1.10 | Cobra Kai Never Dies

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Kalon smiled softly as she sat down in between Demetri and Eli at the end of Demetri's bed. The three of them were hanging out together, Demetri had convinced the blonde to play one of his favourite storyline games as he wanted to test her choices. Eli smiled as Demetri taunted Kalon's reckless and impulsive decision to fight at every opportunity rather than sneak around and stealthily attack the enemies.

"Sometimes you gotta make impulsive decisions in order to..." Kalon expressed before winning the battle against the final boss. "HA!" Kalon cheered high fiving Eli before smirking smugly at Demetri. "All right. I get it," Demetri raised his hands in defence as his mother called his name. "And I will be back," Demetri nudged Kalon's side before leaving the room to see what his mother wanted. Kalon leaned back against the bed, resting her head on it while Eli looked at her.

Eli was admiring the girl's peaceful expression, the way her body relaxed feeling a blanket of safety over her within Demetri's room. "Hey, uh, Kalon..." Eli started before clearing his throat, Kalon turned her head to the boy with a small smile. "Yeah Eli?" Kalon asked as she opened her eyes to look at him. "I know things can be rough with your dad but I want you to know that if you ever need a place to stay, you can stay with me," Eli offered, he felt proud of himself for saying it so confidently.

Kalon's small smile widened as she processed those words. "Thanks, Eli. I appreciate that and I just may take you up on that offer," Kalon expressed. The two fell into a quiet aura as they both admired each other until Kalon's eyes landed on Eli's scar, the boy felt insecure and moved his hand to cover it but Kalon's quick reflexes stopped him. "Don't hide it, Eli. It's a part of you and... I think it makes you look badass," Kalon spoke softly as she interlocked their fingers.

Kalon's heart pounded within her chest as she looked Eli in the eyes, the shy boy's eyes were focused on the interlocked hands sitting between them. She noticed the slight blush appearing on Eli's cheeks, the sight making a strange feeling of warmth form throughout her chest. She knew this feeling, she had felt it once before and it was a feeling so missed as she looked at the boy in front of her. Kalon Lawrence was developing a crush on Eli Moskowitz... And she was just fine with that.

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Kalon was helping her father pack his trophies away in the Dojo when the doorbell jingled signalling someone walking in, the young blonde looked to her father with furrowed brows before the Lawrence father-daughter duo walked out into the main room of the Dojo. "My mom says I can train again," Miguel spoke as he looked at the two, a smile formed on Kalon's face at the words. "She did?" Johnny asked, he was surprised she'd let him after what had happened.

"Yeah. I mean, if we still have the dojo," Miguel answered back as Kalon hugged him, the Diaz boy hugged her back just as tight as they both looked at Johnny. "We do for now," Johnny answered standing up straight. Kalon and Miguel separated from each other and stood tall in front of their Sensei as he walked towards them. "All right. But I need to know, are you ready to take things to the next level?" Johnny asked.

𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ♡ Eli Moskowitz & Demetri AlexopoulosWhere stories live. Discover now