2.11 | Before You Leave Me

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A few days had gone by and Kalon had no contact with the outside world minus Miguel as she had been staying with the Diaz family. Most of her wounds were fairly superficial, so they had healed up nicely and cleared however, her left eye was still fairly bruised but the swelling had gone down. Carmen barely let the girl out of her sight but Kalon didn't mind, it was nice to have a parent fuss over her and make sure she was well and okay. Kalon's mind kept trailing back to the day after her attack, Miguel had returned home with his bruises but a content look on his face telling her not to worry as he had things handled. She wasn't sure what he meant but she let it go and accepted his words.

With everything that had happened, Kalon informed Sam that she would be taking a big step back from Karate as it had all become too much for the young girl. It had been a genuine shock to Kalon how much Karate had taken over her life as she lay in Miguel's room completely bored waiting for him to return home from his Cobra Kai lesson; but she was enjoying the cooler temperatures of the apartment rather than being out in the heatwave that had hit the Valley. Based off of the messages she had been getting from Robby, Sensei LaRusso had them learning to adapt in different extreme temperatures making her happier that she wasn't there.

However, this allowed her mind to truly wonder and spiral thinking about what may happen between her and Demetri, he hadn't spoken to her and she hoped this wasn't one of those 'you haven't realised the relationship is over' situations. Miguel had assured her that things would be fine but she still held doubts about all of it and she could only pray to whatever Gods were out there that things would work out the way she wanted. The door opened and Kalon jumped up with a smile that faded seeing Miguel's face, "What happened?" Miguel sighed, "Hawk took the Medal of Honour I gave it to Robby." Kalon frowned before walking up to him, "It's not your responsibility, Miggy. But you did the right thing."

Miguel pulled Kalon into his arms, she rested her head against his chest. "Can we make a promise?" Miguel whispered to Kalon. "Of course, Miggy. What is it?" Kalon asked as she leaned back to look up at her best friend. "No matter what happens, no matter what side we stand on or who we are fighting against... we have each other's backs. That we don't let any of it tear us apart," Miguel asked her, he couldn't lose his best friend and he won't. Kalon smiled softly, "I promise, Miguel. No matter what." Miguel smiled back before hugging her again, "I kicked Hawk's ass too." Kalon laughed at that, "Wish I was there to see that." The two shared another laugh before they settled to watch YouTube videos, a stern promise made.

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Kalon walked into her apartment finding her father sitting on the couch with his head in his hands, she sighed and walked over to sit on the coffee table. "Bad day?" Kalon asked him softly. "Bad month..." Johnny replied to his daughter, he looked up at her. "Carmen told me about what happened. She showed me the photos," Johnny told Kalon who sighed, Carmen had been adamant about having photo evidence should they ever need it. "Miguel and... Hawk handled it and Mike skipped town because of whatever they did. But what's going on?" Kalon asked her father. "I kicked Kreese out... you were right, Kalon... And I am so sorry," Johnny looked his daughter in her eyes, she sniffled before hugging her father.

"I should've listened to you... and what I did, choosing him over you was a mistake, Kalina. You're my little viper," Johnny added making Kalon cry and laugh. "And I always will be, Dad," Kalon replied softly as they hugged. The father-daughter duo ordered pizza and put on their shared favourite movie Lethal Weapon. Kalina Lawrence felt a piece of her torn puzzle heart fall back into place as the two enjoyed the movie and pizza, talking and laughing together. She knew they had many challenges to face but something told Kalon that the end result would go their way because they never back down from a fight; No Mercy with Honour.

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Kalon walked out of the mini mart with a bag of snacks, she reached into her hoodie pocket to pull out her car keys only to drop them. As she reached for the keys, someone else reached out and grabbed them instead causing Kalon to look up to see Demetri standing there. "Demetri?" Kalon muttered out with an anxious breath. "We need to talk," Demetri told her as she took the keys from his hand. "Here or..." Kalon asked with a shaky voice. "We'll go to your place," Demetri told her before turning to her car, Kalon nodded before quickly unlocking the car and getting in. Demetri was silent the entire drive to the Lawrence apartment so Kalon kept quiet assuming he was thinking through what he wanted to say.

When they got to the apartment, they made their way into Kalon's room. Demetri had walked in first then Kalon did, she closed the door behind her and turned to Demetri. But what shocked her was when Demetri cupped her face and kissed her taking her breath away from her lungs but she didn't hesitate to kiss him back, resting her hands on his chest as she let him lead the kiss this time. Demetri pulled away so they could breathe but Kalon was very confused considering their last conversation, "Uh, I wasn't expecting that considering..." Demetri smirked, "No hesitation. You kissed me back." Kalon was still confused, "I'm afraid that I don't understand. I thought you were here to..."

"Break up with you?" Demetri asked her with furrowed brows receiving a nod in response causing him to continue, "I will admit that I thought about it. A lot. But then I spoke with Miguel and... Hawk spoke with me -- well, more like he was present when Miguel spoke to me -- but Hawk told me what happened that night from his perspective. You hesitated with him. But you didn't hesitate with me." Kalon's eyes softened, "You're my boyfriend, Demetri. I lo-like you so much and--" Demetri cut her off, "You were gonna say something else." Kalon blushed and lowered her eyes while Demetri's heart skipped a beat as he spoke lowly, "Say it."

Kalon swallowed slowly before looking up at Demetri to keep eye contact, "I love you, Demetri Alexopoulos." Demetri leaned forward and captured Kalon's lips again, his hands moving to her hips pulling her closer to him. So she made one mistake, she owned up to it and let him process it and that meant the world to him. Kalon and Demetri took steady steps until Demetri sat back on Kalon's bed, she moved to straddle him as their lips moved together. Kalon pulled away to kiss Demetri's jaw, neck and collarbone as he gripped her hips tighter enjoying the feeling of Kalon's lips praising him. "I love you, Kalina Lawrence," Demetri whimpered.

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Rosemary Speaks

Short chapter here but I'm gonna be skipping over some episodes as Kalon has stepped back from Karate and I wanna jump into the next season for my plot.

Did y'all think Kalon and Demetri would break up?
Not on Miguel's watch...
(Title was to throw y'all off)

Johnny and Kalon have resolved things, think it'll last?

Miguel and Kalon have a promise, will it stick?

Thoughts, Suggestions or Questions?

See you in the next chapter!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ♡ Eli Moskowitz & Demetri AlexopoulosWhere stories live. Discover now