1.11 | Lunch Brawl

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Kalon pulled on her red leather jacket, she smiled at the new patch that sat on the right side; Cobra Kai symbol. She smiled at her outfit choice, some black denim shorts and one of her black and white graphic T-shirts. She adjusted her converse's before grabbing her bag and making her way out of her room into the living room, her heart stopped at the sight of her father passed out drunk on the couch with bills sitting on the table.

She picked up one of the sheets and frowned at the bill before looking at the others, she knew they were struggling but not this much. Kalon pulled a blanket over her father and kissed his head before grabbing her keys and leaving the apartment. She rode to school with Miguel and his mother, the Diaz' noticed Kalon's quiet behaviour as she stared out the window. Kalon was working out ways to help her father pay for everything, most of his money went to child support for Robby.

The money Shannon had to pay for Kalon went to the girl after Johnny decided that the money was rightfully Kalon's as he knew he'd waste it on beer, so she had full control of that money. "Cariño, are you alright?" Carmen asked the girl as they pulled up to the school. "Uh, yeah. Just overthinking, nothing to worry about," Kalon assured sending her a sweet smile hoping she'd let it go. "I'm here if you ever need to talk," Carmen offered as she leaned over and kissed the side of Kalon's head.

Ever since Miguel and Kalon became best friends, Carmen had practically adopted Kalon as her own and she was beyond grateful for the mother figure in her life. "Thanks, Carmen," Kalon smiled at her as Miguel opened Kalon's door for her. "M'lady," Miguel bowed slightly making Kalon laugh before she got out and curtsied. "Why thank you, kind sir," Kalon answered, the two waved to Carmen before walking into school in search of their friends.

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Miguel, Kalon, Eli and Demetri stood in line as they watch Sam approach Kyler. Kalon felt bad for the LaRusso girl, there were rumours going around that she and Kyler had a moment in the movie theatre but even Kalon knew it was a lie. "Hey, guys!" Kyler called out to gain everyone's attention on him rather than Sam who had swiped his tray off of the table. "You know that billboard with a big-ass dick on it? I guess Sam takes after her dad," Kyler said making the room fill with laughter.

Miguel and Kalon looked at each other, both of them placing their trays on the table by Aisha before stepping forward. "Hey, Kyler!" Miguel snapped as Kalon crossed her arms glaring at them. "Why don't you shut the hell up and stop being an asshole?" Miguel sneered at the boy. "Want another beatdown, 'Rhea?" Kyler asked as he stepped forward. "Careful, Kyler. You don't want that," Kalon warned, her harsh tone caused shivers down most of the audience's spine.

Eli and Demetri watched closely as this harsher side of Kalon made an appearance, she was angry. She was done with Kyler and his goons bullying her friends, she was done with Mike's constant harassment, she was done with the way the world treated Lawrences' and most of all, she was done being weak and vulnerable. "Oh please, I'm ready for your lame-ass karate this time," Kyler stated as he stood face to face with Miguel, Mike by his side staring at Kalon.

𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ♡ Eli Moskowitz & Demetri AlexopoulosWhere stories live. Discover now