1.12 | Class In Session

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"All four of them?" Johnny asked the two teenagers standing in front of him, his stern glare on his daughter as she nursed her bruised knuckles. "Yeah," Miguel nodded enthusiastically. "Even that big dumb one?" Johnny questioned with furrowed brows. "Kalon handled him, it all happened so fast. Everything just came together," Miguel explained. "Yeah. We were blocking. We anticipated. Miguel slithered," Kalon continued with a wide grin, she was beyond impressed with how well they worked together.

"Your mom's gonna kill us," Johnny stated as he leaned back in his chair, but the two teens smirked. "Well, she would if she knew. When the school called, my Yaya answered. Never seen her so proud, she won't talk," Miguel assured Johnny. "All right, so let me get this straight. You both took all the lessons I taught you, and you used them to straight-up beat the shit out of those punks?" Johnny asked. The teens looked at each other before nodding at their Sensei.

"Follow me," Johnny ordered as he got up and made his way out of the office. Kalon stood on Johnny's left while Miguel stood on his right as he opened the trunk of his car, resting in it were two white Gi's with the faded Cobra Kai symbol. "I wore this when I was training for my first tournament back in '81. The other belonged to my best friend," Johnny explained before looking to his daughter, the young girl smiled up at him.

"I want you two to have them," Johnny expressed, the two looked at each other with smiles. "Are you sure?" Miguel asked Johnny as Kalon lightly felt the material of the Gi, her mind content with the symbol of the Cobra. "Hell yeah. You two have earned it," Johnny expressed with a proud smile. Johnny held his Gi out to Miguel, the Diaz boy looked at it as Kalon grabbed the Gi that once belonged to Bobby Brown.

"That's it. It's the best thing I've got," Johnny told him until Kalon nudged his back, "Second best." Miguel smiled as Kalon laughed playfully. "Thank you so much, Sensei," Miguel held the Gi in his hands and smiled before the two embraced each other. Kalon smiled at the sight until Johnny grabbed her arm and pulled her into the hug. The three of them were smiling as they cherished the moment, none of them aware of the eyes watching with anger and envy.

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Kalon smiled widely as Eli and Demetri approached her outside Cobra Kai Dojo, she was glad they were giving it a shot. "You guys actually came!" Kalon cheered before pulling them into a hug, both boys laughed and hugged her back. "Eli convinced me and I gotta admit, seeing you fight was hot so I thought I'd give it a shot," Demetri expressed as they pulled back from the hug. "I'll try to ignore the reason you are here is to stare at me and just smile happily about my awesome friends joining the dojo," Kalon responded with a laugh.

"Oh and, uh... My dad isn't... the nicest person and he is still mentally stuck in a broken time period of stereotypes and judgement. Try not to let him get to you," Kalon advised uneasily as she began to worry. "I'm sure we'll be fine," Demetri expressed while Eli nodded. "Okay, I gotta head in and get ready, I'll see you in there," Kalon squeezed their shoulders before turning and heading into the Dojo. Kalon, Aisha and Miguel took turns getting ready for the class changing into their Gi's before walking into the Dojo.

𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ♡ Eli Moskowitz & Demetri AlexopoulosWhere stories live. Discover now