1.13 | Over The Line

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"Yeah, but you can't quit!" Miguel exclaimed to Demetri as they walked through the hallway, the two boys had noticed the lack of words from Kalon who seemed dazed in her own world. "I got yelled at, got my ass kicked, and then gave him my money. You know who lives like that? Hookers," Demetri replied to him with a sigh. "Yeah, but he's not that bad of a guy. You gotta give him a chance. You don't know him like I do," Miguel defended. "Uh, that's hooker talk," Demetri replied making Kalon laugh quietly.

"Come on, it's Kali's dad," Miguel added as he wrapped an arm around Kalon's shoulders, the girl shrugging. "Besides, I don't need to learn Karate when I have the both of you," Demetri pointed out to them as Kyler walked around the corner, he stopped and looked up at Miguel and Kalon before quickly walking the opposite way. "See? No one's gonna mess with you. Now, Kalon, let's get to class," Demetri grabbed her hand and pulled her along with him.

"By the way, I'm really sorry about my dad," Kalon spoke as she let Demetri drag her along with him, their hands interlocked. "Oh, don't worry about it. I'm sure the embarrassment will wear off eventually," Demetri replied as he slowed down so the two could walk side by side. "Also, I totally get it. You don't have to do karate with us, but just know that classes take up a lot of time so getting to hang out will be difficult," Kalon forewarned with a frown.

Demetri stopped and turned to the blonde, looking down at her with a small smile. "Hey, we still plan to go to that fair still, right?" Demetri asked with a raised brow. "Of course! There is no way we are missing that, not after all the convincing I had to do," Kalon answered with a wide smile before the two walked off to class, Kalon swinging their hands between them while Eli watched the two, clenching his jaw as a jealous pit formed in his stomach.

When he and Kalon had woken up that morning, he was happy over the fact that instead of pushing him away from her, she had snuggled into his chest. Eli had an actual girl ─ and a pretty one at that ─ cuddling with him in his bedroom with her own consent. Kalon didn't really want to get up for school and Eli was more than ready to skip the day just to hold the blonde in his arms. So the sight of his best friend holding the hand of the girl he was falling for felt like a punch to the stomach and he was wishing he convinced his mom to let them skip.

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Kalon sat next to Demetri, the raven-haired boy who was seated next to Miguel in the science lab. "Thanks for the Blow Pop, guys. Really never gets old," Sam announced, the three turned to look at her as she faced the front.  "It's 'cause she gives blowjobs. Get it? Blow Pop," Demetri explained before Kalon kicked his leg. "We get it, 'Metri. But we know it's a rumour and nothing more," Kalon stated before smiling at Miguel.

"Hey, everybody. Who let the pigs out? I did because I ordered the fetal pigs. But seriously, get in your groups," Mr Palmer spoke while Kalon rested her head on Demetri's shoulder, the boy laid his head on hers. "Who wants to take Samantha in? This little piggy needs a group," Mr Palmer announced but no one said anything. "Don't all volunteer at once," Mr Palmer added disappointed. "We'll take her!" Kalon raised her hand with a kind smile. Miguel smiled appreciatively at Kalon while Demetri sighed in defeat.

𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ♡ Eli Moskowitz & Demetri AlexopoulosWhere stories live. Discover now