2.1 | It's Not Over

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"Okay, Cisco Ramon is still better than Barry Allen," Kalon declared as she rested her head on Demetri's shoulder. "And I'm not denying that, but Barry is the hero," Demetri argued softly. "Oh no, no. Cisco is Vibe, he's a hero too," Kalon pointed out. "Okay, you win. You're right but Glitch is better, Haylee Brager is a powerhouse," Demetri said before kissing the top of her head making her smile. "I agree. You know, This summer is gonna be awesome," Kalon said as she looked up at Demetri, the boy smiled down at her before they kissed.

"Oh, ew. Gross couple things," Aisha teased as she approached the two, taking a seat with them on the grass by the local park. "Ha. Ha. How's it going?" Kalon asked Aisha with a smile as Demetri wrapped his arms around her. "Well, things are great. Cobra Kai is on top and no one has said a mean thing since the party, plus there's no tension between Sam and me," Aisha expressed with her own smile. "And I'm dating the hottest girl in school," Demetri added making Kalon blush.

"Also, I am so upset that I missed victory nachos," Kalon pouted at Aisha who shrugged. "You didn't miss much, just Hawk's great persona," Demetri told her. Kalon shook her head before closing her eyes, she was relaxing under the beaming sun. "Oh shit," Demetri whispered causing Kalon to open her eyes, spotting Hawk and Miguel walking their way. "Hey Kali, you didn't let me know you had gotten out of the hospital," Miguel said with an upset tone but Kalon just shrugged.

"Sorry about that. The moment I got out, 'Metri and I decided to hang out away from anything Karate related," Kalon explained to the boy as he sat down. Her eyes locked with Hawk, she noticed the way he was glaring at Demetri. "Yeah, Demetri asked Kalon to be his girlfriend," Aisha teased making Miguel and Hawk's eyes widened. "Is that really surprising?" Demetri asked them while Aisha and Kalon laughed at the shock.

"A little, yeah. You once explained your plan to get a high paying job after college before attempting to get a super hot girlfriend," Miguel answered back to him. "He didn't need to wait till college, I was gonna ask him out if he didn't blurt it out so suddenly," Kalon said with a smile before looking up at him. Demetri looked down at her with slightly tinted cheeks before the two kissed, "Glad I blurted it out then." Kalon nodded in agreement with Demetri's words.

"You weren't her first kiss," Hawk blurted out aggressively gaining everyone's attention. Kalon's hands clenched into fists as she looked at Hawk, Demetri noticed and slipped his hands into hers, the girl relaxed. "Then you made out with Moon and now you two are together," Kalon pointed out with a soft smile, she wasn't gonna let her feelings towards Eli, well Hawk, get in the way of her relationship with Demetri, or just moving on from Eli considering that boy was gone.

"Okay, enough tension," Aisha pointed out before looking at Kalon, "Will you be coming back to Cobra Kai?" Kalon let out a slow breath as Miguel furrowed his brows. "Wait, what? You were gonna leave Cobra Kai without telling me?" Miguel asked Kalon who frowned and looked down. "It is her choice, Miguel. She doesn't have to tell you everything," Demetri expressed as he rubbed Kalon's knuckles with his thumbs as reassurance.

𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ♡ Eli Moskowitz & Demetri AlexopoulosWhere stories live. Discover now