Chapter 1 "im y/n"

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"Eat shit!"

"No you eat shit!" My older brother yelled at my twin brother. He slammed him to the floor right in front of the door to my room.

"Guys, really?" I roll my eyes as I step over them "I live with a bunch of animals"

"I know what you are but what am I?" My older brother Blake grinned stupidly

"Go to hell will ya" I glare at him as I make my way to the kitchen where my dad was drinking coffee

"Hey can I borrow the car today?" I asked

"Sure, I just need it tonight" he said. Not looking up from the news paper once

"Sure, just pick up the keys at the comic book store, I'll be working till 11:30" I say as I put on my shoes and grabbed my backpack and keys

"Be safe!" He yelled as I shut the front door. I strap my surf bored to the stop of my dads truck and jump into the drivers seat. You may be asking why I'm surfing in the Pacific Ocean Becuase it's so damn cold. Well I've lived in Santa Carla my whole life. I've surfed my whole life. So you get used to how cold the water is. It usually isn't so bad Becuase it numbs your body once you fully get in.

Once I get down to the broad walk, I park the car on the side of the road and unstrap my surf bored

"Nunook no!" I hear a boy yell from behind me. I turn around to see a husky running full speeed at me.

"Shit!" I mutter as the dog jumps onto me, making me loose my balance and fall on my ass. Way to go y/n/n.

"I'm so sorry" the boy said as he pulled his dog off of my lap.

"It's okay" I laughed as he held his hand out for me to take. Which I did.

I brush the dirt my Jean shorts and look up at the boy I haven't seen before. I look up at him before extending my hand out

"I'm y/n" I smile.

"O-oh I'm Sam" he laughed as she shook my hand.

Sams POV

I looked up and down at her perfect figure. SHe was gorgeous.

"I'm y/n" she said as she extended her hand. Her name was even gorgeous.

"O-oh im Sam" I stutter as I shake her hand. Nice one Sam. She laughed and ran her fingers threw her long y/h/c hair.

"Well I better get going" I said as I saw my mom waving at me

"No worries, I'll see you around" she smiled as she went back to un-strapping her surf bored from her truck.

I want to know more about her. And I will.

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