Chapter 16. Truth & justice

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"Well look who decided to show up!" Alan yelled as I ran down the bored walk and to were Alan and edger were unlocking the doors to the comic book shop

"I'm sorry!" I breathed heavily "Sam needed my help"

Edger gave me a straight face and held his hand out "the key"

"Oh!" I dig threw my backpack and hand him the key

"We could've used you last night y'know" edger said

"I know I know and I'm sorry, it won't happen again"

"Yeah yeah yeah, it won't happen again my ass" Alan teased as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and brought me into a head lock

"Guy!s" A familiar voice called out. The three of us turn around to see Sam running up to us

"So then the dog started chasing my mom like the hounds of hell and vampires everywhere!" Sam said frantically as he followed each of us around the store. I was stocking comic books, edger was transporter the cash, and Alan was moping the floors. (Which I was suppose to do last night..sorry Alan)

"We've been aware of some very serious vampire activity in this town for a long time" edger said in his deep voice

"Santa Carla has become a haven for the undead"

Sam looked over at me wide eyes

"We're almost certain that gouls and werewolves occupy high positions at city hall

"Kill your brother, you'll feel better"

"You guys are fricking crazy" I say in shock

Sam looked back and forth at edger and Alain in shock as well "Look guys! My brothers not a bloodsucker! It says "if you kill the head vampires! All half vampires will return to normal ! If my brothers a vampire, believe me, he's only half!"

"Dose yo ur bother know who the head vampire is" I say, putting my hands on my hips

"No I don't think so"

"Then you'll have to kill him"

This is fucking crazy

This is what it's like having boys for best friends. Especially when they are obsessed with vampires

", and if you don't...then we will"

Sam thought for a moment

"This all started, when my mom when you work at maxes video store- max never comes in till dark. The dog who chased my mom was his, and listen to this: vampires require a daytime protector, to watch them as they sleep. Fierce dogs. The hounds of hell are often employed for this purpose"

"No shit" edger sighs

"Yeah, well what happens if my mom is dating the head vampire?"

"You guys can nail him and save Santa's Carla" I grinned.

"Truth, justice, the American way triumphs. Thanks to you two"

Edger and alan looked at each other and nodded "we'll check out max"

Sam looked at me and smiled as the two walked away.

"Jesus y'all are weird" I laughed

"Takes one to know one" Sam grinned proudly.

Y'all We are 50 minutes into the movie

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