Chapter 15. No note, no phone call!

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I started fighting to stay alwake, my eyes threatening to to close. I could hear the soft snores coming from Sam who's  head was on my stomach, and arms wrapped around my hips.

I looked over to his bedside table to see the clock read 12:30 am. Shit

I guess I'm staying here for the night.

"Y/n/n" I heard Sam whisper.

"Y/n/n" he dragged my name

My eyes slowly opened, immediately connecting with Sams who was hovering over me.

"Morning sleepy head" he smiled. I stretched my arms out, wrapping around his neck to bring him into my embrace.

"You have to leave before my mom sees that you stayed" his voice barely autable in the crook of my neck "she will kill me if she finds out I had a girl in my bed"

Everytime he spoke, it vibrated onto my skin and tickled my neck, so I push his away and laughed.

"Yeah and what is going to happen when she finds out some trashy girl has fallen for her son?" I joked as I hoped out of the bed, slipping my convers and over sized jacket.

"You fallen for me?" He grinned

"Shut up" I jokingly push his head away, making him sit onto the bed

"I'll see you tomorrow" he smiled

"See ya"

I opened his window and jumped out into the bushes.

"Oh no" I mumbled as I realized my dad will be pissed at me for not knowing where I was. I quickly run down to my car and drive out of the Emerson property.

I hesitate before opening the house door

I see my dad sitting in the couch looking at a news paper. He anger my slams the newspaper shut and throws it onto the side table

"Where the hell have you been?!" He shouted angrily as he stomps towards me

"I spent the night at a friends house" I say, looking down at my feet

"No note, no phone call or nothing?!" I kept looking down at my feet, avoiding his gaze "look at me when I'm talking!"

"I'm sorry! It's not that big of a deal" I say before walking past him

"The hell it is! We were looking around the whole town looking for you!"

"I'm sorry! I'll call next time! God! Get off my case" I yell at him, my back turned to him as I enter my room

"Who were you with?" He hissed at me as he watched me from my bedroom door

" one that you know" I answered, I grabbed fresh clothes from out of my closet

" no one that I know? Is this a boy friend or girl friend?" He crossed his arms

"Dose it matter?!"

"I-it dose matter! Cause I wanna know if my daughter is staying at a guy that I don't knows house!"


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