Chapter 5. Finger guns

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Every morning since summer, I have gotten up before my alarm clock and went out for a surf before I had to work. Since the comic book store is on the bored walk, I surf over there. Even though the surf isn't as good as other beaches.

As I ride my last wave and glide back to the beach I hear someone call out to me

"Nice form!" I turn my head to see sam sitting on a floaty on the very tip of the water.

Sams pov

I wasn't just talking bout her surfer form. She has a nice body.

Y/n pov

As I jump off my bored I hold it on the side of my body.

"Thanks" I laughed. Redness crept on both of our faces.

"Hey last night was pretty cool" I say tucking a wet strand of hair behind my ear to get it out of my face.

"Yeah?" Sam smiled like a little kid

Sams pov

I mentally gave myself a high five

Y/n pov

"Yeah it was, hey mabye we can do it again eh?" I asked as I playfully punched his shoulder. Not to hard. He grabbed his shoulder as if he was in pain and said "ahh"

"Shut up" I laughed. I saw an older boy running up to us.

"Yo sammy, I'm leaving do you need a ride?" I think it was his brother. He was very tall and muscular.

"Nah I'm good, oh Mikey this is y/n" Sam introduced me.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Michael" he smiled as he held his hand out

"You to, I'm guessing your the older brother" I smiled as we both shook hands.

"The one and only unfortunately" he joked, we both laughed except for Sam who just laughed sarcastically.

"Ha ha ha very funny"

"Well I've got to get going but I'll see you two around yeah?"

"Yep, I'll probably see you later"

"Okay, it was nice meeting you micheal. See ya Sam" sam smiled and gave me finger guns. I grinned and did it back as I picked up my bag and put it on one of my shoulders, still holding my surf bored.

Sams pov

I watched as she walked away off the beach with only her bathing suit, surf bored and back pack.

"Ya know, if your trying to get laid don't use finger guns" Mikey laughed as I punched him in the arm.

"I'm not trying to get laid Mikey" I rolled my eyes, denying it. Even though the things I would do to be able to hold her and kiss like she's mine. I was so deep in my thoughts I didn't even realize he had left

"Ya know, and even if I did, which I don't, she wouldnt even want to do it with me, she's to good for me dont you thin-" I glance behind me thinking he was still there but I soon relized I was just talking to the wind.

Y/n pov

"Your getting water and sand everywhere!" Alan whined as I made my way threw the store to the back where I could change into clothes.

"What's it to you? I'm the one who has to mop and sweep anyways" I point out as I ruffled his hair. I got changed into some high wastes denim shorts, a black crop top and an over sized green jacket which I sowed patches on.

"Guys we should come up with an idea of how to stop these dicks from stealing comics" edger said as him and Alan hung around the desk where I was sitting.

"Easy, just don't put them outside" i shrug

"Then how will people know what we sell y/n/n!" Edger threw his hands up

"I don't know maybe the sign?" I say pointing to a sign that said "COMIC BOOK STORE 25% OFF"

Edger looked back at me dumbfounded. Alan just have me a small fist bump.

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