Chapter 25. Star

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When I looked down, there was a girl. She had curly fluffy brown hair, white button up shirt, sparkly skirt and a leather jacket.

"It's that girl from the boardwalk, is she one of them?" Sam asked.

"What girl?" None of them answered "who is she?!"

"Micheal, I need to talk to you! Can I come up?" She asked, the wind made her hair blow in her face. She did her best to tuck it behind her ears.

"No!" Micheal yelled "you shut the window and lock your door"

Both Sam and I watched as Michael started running out the room.

Suddenly, the girl appeared right next to me. Micheal looked back at her and freezed. Sam yelled and pulled me away, over to the bed

"She's one of them!" He yelled. He threw me onto the bed and sat down next to me, throwing the covers over his face.

"And don't tell me that doesn't make her a bad person mike!"

"What the hell!"

"You knew where David took me tonight, don't you, star?"


"Who's David?" Sam and I asked at the same time.

Star looked at Michael, tears brimming her eyes "yes it's my fault, you wouldn't have met me if I didn't like you. I tried to warn you."

Star walked over to Michael with pleading eyes.

"It was the night in the cave, wasn't it...that wasn't wine they gave me..that was blood" Sams grip tightened around me, the more information left there lips "David's. blood"

"You drank someone else's blood?! Are you crazy?!" Sam scolded his brother

"I'm just like David now, star"

Star went to grab Michaels hand but he pulled away "no your not, your like laddie and me..your not one of them-"

"Until you make ur first kill" I finished. Star looked over at me and smiled softly before looking back at Michael. Sam whined like a puppy, digging his face more into the blanket. As if that would protect him

"Why didn't you kill me last night?"

" were suppose to be my first- that's what David would want. But I couldn't Michael"

He inches closer and closer to her

"Why? Because you care so much about me?" He mocked

"Yes I do." Star cupped the side of mikes face, her thumb grazing his bottom lip. Mike grabbed onto her wrist and pulled it away, making star flinch

"What are you doing here? What do you want from me?" Mike hissed...

Fun fact! I was star for Halloween '21

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