Chapter 17. Only a bra and underwear..

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Sam had been hanging around the comic store for hours, waiting until I get off.

He would be looking over my shoulder when I'm signing papers, touching my hair and back, even kissing my neck!

That kid is very needy and inpatient.

The boardwalk was now closed and all the lights were off - all you could hear was faint music coming from our small radio and waves crashing down at the beach.

It was now 12:30 and we're just about to lock up.

"Don't forget that max is having dinner at my house tomorrow night so be there" Sam said as we shut the bar gate, and locked it up.

"Don't worry, we will" edger patted Sams back.

"I'll see you tomorrow"

Sam and I both watched edger and Alan disappear off the boardwalk.

Sam rocked back and forth on his heals, his hands in his pocket awkwardly.

"I have an idea" I grinned as I pulled him by his arm. We run down the stairs that connects to the beach. The sand felt wet Because of how cold it was.

"What are you doing?!" Sam laughed as I kept pulling him further and further away from the boardwalk and closer to where the waves were crashing. I throw my jacket and backpack off onto the sand. I took my shoes off, then my jeans, then my shirt. Leaving me in a black bra and underwear (a/n bro I can't say PaNtIeS)

"Y/n" Sam chuckled as he looked around to make sure nobody was around.

Sams pov

I watched as y/n stripped down into the bra and underwear. I looked around to make sure nobody was around. I couldn't help but let my eyes scan down her figure in awe.

Her arms wrapped around her stomach, only making her cleavage more noticeable.

She then started running into the water with a grin on her face

"Come on!" She yelled as the water reached her knees

I hesitate before doing the same, taking my jacket off, then my shoes, then my shirt then my pants.

"Wait for me!" I yell as I to ran into the water. The water was already up to her hips when I reached her

"It's freezing!" I yell as I wrapped my arms around her waist. Her arms locked around my neck.

The water was now up to our chest when we decided not to go any further. We were past all the big, crashing waves so it was a little bit more calmer.

I felt y/n's legs wrap around my waist, bringing her closer to me and almost the same height....

For the story idea Credits to Kaaliyah_storys for the ideaシシ


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