Chapter 34. Still one more

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Sam and I walked through the hall quietly trying to find edger and Alan.

"Ahh!" The boys yelled as they held ups the water guns to Sam and mines faces

"Chill" I say as I pushed the gun away

"It's just us" Sam whispered

"You okay?"

"I nailed one of them with a bow and arrow" Sam said proudly

"We trashed the one that looks like twisted sister" edger said as we sat on the bed in a circle

"We totally annihilated his night- stalking ass!" Alan held up a fist

"Wellll, nunook helped a little"

"The meanest"

"The badest" the three of them shook hands and held up a peace sign when suddenly laddie jumped up from under the bed, Cotten flying everywhere. We all scream and fell on our backs. Laddie stepped over us and hid in the corner of the room

"Holy shit! The attack of Eddie monster!"

"Get him!"

Alan and edger ran towards him, however the door flung opened reveling star.

She protected laddie from the two getting him

"No! Stay away from him! He's just a little boy!" Star cried. Laddie tried pushing past her by sticking an arm out and waving it. We all just looked at him.

We all heard the faint sound of yelling coming from down stairs

"Micheal!" We all yelled as we ran downstairs. I stopped dead in my track making Sam run into me when I saw the blonde vampire dead with antlers sticking out of his chest

"Get away Sam" Micheal hissed

"Mike? What's wrong?"

"I said get away!"

"What the big deal? You destroyed the head vampire"

No he didn't. I look at Sam with a knowing look

"Nothings changed"

"He's right, I don't feel any different" Star cried

"Then there's still one more" I whispered. But everyone heard and looked over at me in realization

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