Chapter 32. Take you with them

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"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked Alan and edger as they poured water into the bathtub...which was full of water

"It's holy water" Alan grinned

"And garlic"

They both picked up a water gun and filled it up with the water from the bathtub

"Let's do this"

"I think we should warn you all, when a vampire buys it, it's never a pretty sight" Sam came up behind me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders "no two blood suckers go the same way. Some will scream, some implode, some explode. Some go quietly. But all will try to take you with"

The wind started picking up. Bushes rubbing against the windows. Leaves flying around

Suddenly the sound of barking came from outside

"Nunook?!" Sam yelled as he ran out the door

"Sam no!" I followed him

"Don't go out there!!"

"Stop him!" I yelled

Micheal came running past me "Sam!" They struggled to untie the dog leash from the fence

"Oh my god" I mumbled


"They are coming!" Star yelled as she held onto laddie. I looked up to the the vampires flying towards us


Sam and Micheal finally got the leash untied and they started running as fast as they could back into the house. Untill Sam fell face first onto the ground

"Sam!" I ran out and helped him up

"Comon" I intertwined our hands. We ran inside and slammed the door shut.

"Take them upstairs!" Alan referred to star and laddie.

One of the vampires burst out of the chimney. Sam pulled me towards him as we covered our faces from wood that flew up into the air

The vampire laughed and kicked both of us to the ground, sparks flying everywhere. Until he vanished

Sam and I slowly got up

"You okay?"

"Yea, you?"

There was complete silence...

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