Chapter 3 "wrong way sancho"

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I pulled the sliding doors closed and locked the it.  I yank on the lock to double check to see if it's secure. There was still a lot of people on the bored walk so I had to be extra careful.

"Ready?" I asked

"Only if you are"

We walked down to where all the small restaurants and food stands are.

"Two ice creams on a cone please" Sam said as he held up his money. Not to long ago we were going back in forth about who's going to pay. He technically won Because he took my wallet from me and hasn't given it back.

He looks back at me with his amused grin, making me playfully glare at him as I cross my arms.

"Thank you" he says as the worker handed him both of the cones.

"I could've paid" I softly smile at him as he hands me the cone.

"My mom taught me that i should pay for the food if I'm taking a girl I like out" he smiled. My face started burning up at the "taking a girl I like out"

"Could I at least have my wallet back? Or did your mom also teach you to steal the girls wallet" I grinned up at him, holding my hand up. He raises his eyebrows in realization and quickly digs into his back pocket, placing the wallet in my hand.

"So, what do you like to do for fun around here?" Sam asked as we started walking again.

"Work and surf" I simply say. Sam looks down at me in confusion

"That's all?"

"I mean it's not like I have friends except for the Alan and edger"

"Why don't you have any friends?"

I hesitate to answer. We walked so close together that our shoulders bumped into each other.

"People don't like me very much, they think I'm just a "low-life, dirtbag teenager". They say I come from a bad family" I shrug "people don't want to get to know me because my family"

"Well I think you amazing and I just met you" Sam smile down at me. I playfully nudge him in the side. I felt his eyes strongly on me. But I didn't dare to look up. Sam lifts his ice cream to lick it so I bump his hand up, making the ice cream smear on his chin.

"Oh shit" I laughed as I started sprinting away. He threw his ice cream into the garbage can and chased after me. Bumping into the strangers, I kept looking back seeing he gets closer and closer. I felt both of his hands grab onto my waste, making me slow down.

"Say your sorry" he smiled as he spun me around. My body presses against his body as his heads were still planted on my waste.

"I don't gotta do shit" I slyly grin at him.

We both didn't say anything until I grabbed both of his hands and slid them off of my waste. He furrowed his eyebrows as his arms dropped down to his side.

"Sorry" We both laughed awkwardly as i ran my fingers threw my hair

"Want me to walk you home?" He asked.

"Sure" I say.

He started walking the opposite way of were my house was

"Wrong way sancho" I laughed as I pulled him the right way by his bicep.

Sams pov

I felt her hand wrap around my arm and pull me the right way

"Wrong way sancho" she laughed. God Her laugh and smile is adorable.

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