Chapter 23. Major mistake

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....The ice water splashed right onto max's lap.

"Oh my gosh!" Max's yells as we all sit up from our seats

"Sam! What is the matter this you?!" Lucy yelled. She grabbed a cloth and started whipping max dry

"Dose it burn?" Sam questioned

Max looked up and laughed "burn? Are you nuts? It's freezing"

Once again they rolled there eyes.

"Oh look at your suit and your pants"

We all look aorund at eachother before edger sat up and and turned off the light, Alan and I blew the candles out.

"Now what?!" Lucy yelled as it went pitch black.
"It must be a circuit breaker, mom"

"He's not glowing" Alan informed us

"I know hit the lights"

Only seconds later edger switched the light back on, however sam was holding a small mirror in front of max's facing, making him yell in shock.

"Sam! What has gotten into you?" Lucy took away the mirror from his hands.

"I think I know what's going on around here.." max fixed his suit

The four of us look back and forth at each other.

"You do?" I asked

"Yeah, I know what your thinking, Sam. But your wrong"

"I am?"

"I'm not trying to replace your father, or steal your mother away from you. I would just like to be your friend, that's all"

"Shit" I whispered.

"Goodnight, Lucy"

Max started making his way out the kitchen.

"Thanks a lot" Lucy scolded Sam before running after him.

"I'm sorry, ma"

"Sorry mrs. Emerson"
Sam turned to us, sighing

"Major mistake"

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