Chapter 9. Knock three times

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Sams pov

I watched the girl who I fell for hard, bonding with my mom. They got along so well. I watched as y/n slightly swayed her body and head to the music that was playing off of the records, as she chopped vegetables for a salad

"Oh my darling, lock three times if you'll meet me in the hallway. Mmmhm twice on the pipe"
"If the answer is no-o-o-o" she sang.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of her.

"Oh my sweetness, * * *, means you'll meet me in the hallway. Ohh ohh, twice on the pipe,  **, means you ain't gonna sho-o-o-o-w"

I watched as she open a cabinet door, standing up on the tips of her feet trying to reach what ever she was getting. I quickly moved behind her, towering over her, reaching for a big bowl she was trying to get. She looks up at me with a grin and takes the bowl from me, nudging me with a cute laugh. I couldn't help but blush and grin at the sight of her.

"Where's your brother!?"she asked as I hopped onto the counter besides her.

"With his dumb friends" I answered as I reached my hand into the bowl and vegetables to grab a cut of a carrot. Y/n just slapped my hand away. I gave her a jokingly hurt look, making her laugh.

Her arm brushed against my thigh as she turned around to put the bowl onto the table. I quickly hop down for the counter and cover my crotch. She may have to much of an affect on a teenage boy.

My mom called my grandpa into the kitchen to eat. Y/n slightly laughed as he walked in with a stuffed animal in one hand and a coke in the other

"I was just getting started on a new animal" he whined "could you hold this"

My grandpa handed the stuffed animal to y/n and pulled his seat out. I saw as she brought the animal close to her face and smelt it. She immediately pushed it away and gave me 'what the hell' look

"Grandpa" I scolded as I took the animal out of her hands and set it in the sink. She laughed and we both sat down next to each other


Y/n pov

"So y/n, tell me more about yourself! What do you like to do?! What have you been up to this summer" Sams mom asked.

I finished chewing the food before I answered

"I love to surf, I've been surfing since I could walk. My mom taught me" I answered "and I've just been focusing on work. I work down at a comic store at the boredwalk!"

She raised her eyebrows in shock "that's a amazing! What your mom like?"

I could see Sam glancing over at me knowing that my mom wasn't in the picture anymore. I hesitates before answering

"My mom died 6 years ago. Overdose. I was 10. It's just been my dad and brothers ever since. But we manage"

His mom gave me a sad, sorry look.

"It's fine really" i chuckled. I felt Sam slowly and hesitantly intertwine our hands. I gives him a small smile.

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