Chapter 10. "𝐷𝑜 𝑖𝑡"

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    It was a quarter to 10 and Sams mom and I talked while Sam brought the used plates to the sink. There was music playing in the background but all I could focus on is...Sam.

"So how many siblings do you have y/n?" She asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"I have four brothers, i have an older brother named Blake, I have a twin brother named danial and two little brothers named Chris and river" I answered "but they're more animal then human"

She grabbed onto my hand and laughed. Being with Sams mom made me relize how much I missed my mom and what I would do to be given one more day with her.

"I think I should go, thank you for having me over"

"Oh no worries! Your welcome anytime!"

Sam ran upstairs and grabbed my coat from his room "here you go, I'll walk you out"

"Thank you, have a nice night Mrs. Emerson!" She gave me one last hug before Sam and I started walking to my car.

"Thank you for having me over" I smile as I leaned up against my car

"Thanks for coming over" he laughed as he too leaned up against my car. Have you ever had the feeling of when you love/like someone so much that a hurts to think about life without them. I felt that feeling when Sams hand softly corseted my neck, moving my hair out of the way.

My heart starting beating faster and faster when he cups the side of my face. My eyes not leaving his.

"Do it" I say barley in a whispered tone.

He seemed to hear beucase he then smashed his lips into mine, catching me off guard. I felt my back hit the side of my car and Sams arm going around my waste..bringing me as close to him as possible.

My arms snaked around his neck, our lips fighting for control. There was somthing about this just felt so right. Our lips fit perfectly together. We pull away and look at eachother, our foreheads resting together. We both breathed heavily trying to catch our breath.

"I should go" I grin. His hands leave my body and steps back. He touches his bottom lip as if he was a little boy that had been kissed on a cheek by a cute girl. Was I the girl?

I open my car door and jump into the drivers seat.

"See ya" I say with a soft smile. I tried so hard to stay cool about this.

"See ya" he copy's me, fighting a smile that clearly showed on his beautiful face. I start the car and gave him one more look before driving off. I looked into the rear view window, watching as I take the last turn and out of sight.

This has to be a dream!

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