Chapter 11. Rooftop n smokin a J

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   I tip toed threw the house, making sure not the wake up my brothers and dad. I saw my younger brothers sleeping on the couch with the television still on play, so I quietly turn it off and head to my room. I softly shut my bedroom door and lean against it. Still thinking about Sam and the way our lips connected so perfectly and how our bodies fit perfectly together. Words couldn't discrihe how I felt in that moment, I'm his arms.

And In that moment kissing him, I didn't want it to end.

It was a Monday morning and I didn't have to be at work until later tonight, so I had the day to myself. My brothers and dad have been gone since 6 am Becuase they are spending the whole day hunting a couple hours down south.

"Hunting isn't for girls, only for men" my littlest brother kept saying a couple days before.

I had gone hunting plenty of times with my twin, older brother and dad before my younger brothers were even born. However I decided it wasn't worth arguing with immature lote subings.

It was around 1 o'clock when I was sitting outside on the top of my house roof smoking a joint. I entertained myself by watching the smoke leaving my lips and disappearing into the sky and teaching myself new tricks to do with the smoke.

I saw a figure in the distance getting closer and closer. I soon realized that figure was It was Sam. A smile creeped on my face as I saw him running his fingers threw his golden blond hair.

"Well hello there!" I yell in a British accent. Sams head snapped up, looking me in the eyes. A grin spearing on his face

"Why are you on the roof?!" He laughed

"Why wouldn't I?" I grinned "come join me!"

He soon looked around to find a way to get up. I point to the big tree on the side of the house, me and brothers use to get onto the roof.

He crawled onto the roof on his hands and knee, trying not to fall. Once he got close to me he grabs onto me.

"You okay?" We both laughed as he sat down next to m. Very. Close.

I brought the joint to my lips, taking a long drag from it. I held the the smoke in my lungs before looking over at Sam who was already looking at me and blew the smoke in his face. Making him scrunch his nose and laugh.

"I didn't know you smoked" he said

I looked over at him and laughed "dose it scare ya?"

"I'm not scared of anything!" He defended himself. I shook my head and laughed before taking yet another drag from it.

"Here" I held the joint to him, smoke coming out of my nose and the corners of my mouth as I spoke. He grinned and took the joint from my grasp, copying my actions and taking a little drag from it. He held his breath before going into fits of coughs.

"You good?" He gave me back the joint and continued coughing like crazy

"How can you do that so easily and enjoy it" he chuckled as he watched me taking a drag

"You get used to it. Hey! Wanna see something cool?" I asked as I tuned my body around to face him. One of my legs draping I've his lap and the other one close to my body.

He looked at me in admiration as I concentrated on blowing the smoke out then into my nose.

I'm 40 minutes into the movie bitches😻

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