Chapter 6. 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑦 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑣𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑠!

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^^^^ he's adorable
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Alan, edger and I were sitting at the front desk watching the small screen that showed a blurry, black and white movie.  It was around 9:30 and I have been working for 10 hours. 10 hours.

I was so interested in the movie on the small television when I didn't even see Sam walking in. Edger got my attention by slightly nudging my arm.

"Hey!" I shout so he could hear me. His head snaps in my direction and his face breaks into a big smile.

"Hi!" he waved before going back to looking at the comic books.

Edger and Alan step in front of Sam while he skimmed threw a book. Glancing up a few times at them.

"Notice anything unusual about Santa Carla yet?" Alan says in his deep voice as they follow Sam around the store.

"No, no. It's a cool place. If your a Martian!" Sam sarcastically said making me laugh a little. He looks at me and grins when he sees me laughing.

"..or a vampire" edger said.

"You guys sniffin old newsprint of something?" Sam grinned amusingly. Edger and Alan looked him right in the eye and glared.

"You think you really know what's happening around here don't you? Well imma tell you something, you don't know shit Buddy"

"Yeah, you think we work in a comic book store for our folks"

They kept following Sam

"Yeah they ain't going to like that you've been harassing a customer!" I yell back at them, however they didn't say anything, just looked at me in defeat.

"Actually, I thought it was a bakery" Sam sighed as he bumped into the boys who blocked his way

"This is just our cover" edger picked up a comic book and got close to Sams face "we're dedicated to a higher purpose, we're fighters for truth, justice, and the American way"

Sam nodded his head at them sarcastically and walked away "right"

"Hey, man. Read this" Alan showed Sam the comic book that said "destroy all vampires"

"Told you," Sam pushed the comic book away "don't like horror comics"

"Think of it as a survival manual, there's a number on the back. And pray, you'll never need to call us"

Sam looked down at the comic book and back at the boys "I'll pray...that I'll never need to call ya..," edger and Alan Started walking away when Sam started laughing "sure"

He walked up to the front desk where I was sitting, laughing.

"So how was your first 'survival manual talk' I grinned as I leaned forward on the desk

"I think they are full of shit" he smiled down at me. He set the comic book onto the desk and said "I guess I'll buy this one"

"Nah, it's on the house, it will probably be useless and boring if I'm being honest" I say. Sam thanks me and puts the comic book in his jackets pocket.

"Nice jacket" I looked him up in down. Redness crept on his face as he looked down and smiled

"Thanks, hey I'll see you around yeah?" Sam tapped his fingers on the desk, making a little beat.

"Yeah of course, Maybe we can hang"

"Yes..yes! We can sure do that" Sam grinned "see ya"

"Bye" I smiled. I watched Sam leave the store, looking back at me one last time.

I'm falling for mr. Phenix.

Sams pov

I look back at here one last time her beautiful smile already looking at me. I'm falling her her.

Really hard.

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