Chapter 4. "We are like the fuckin brady bunch"

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Sams pov

"here we are" she said with a sigh. we turned a corner and I saw a small brick house with over grown plants like bushes and vines crawling up the house. I saw the white run down truck with her surf bored still strapped to the top, tucked away on the side of the house. most people would think its a shithole but I thought it was really homey & pretty. I look over at her to see her already looking at me waiting for me to say something.


"I love it" I smile at her. she let out a sigh of relief and we started walking up to the front porch. the closer we got, the sound of boys talking and yelling got louder and louder.

"your brothers?' I asked as we stopped at her door

"you mean animals?" she raised her eyebrows "we are like the fucking Brady bunch" we both laughed.

"y/n/n! is that you!" I heard a guy yell from inside the house

"yes dad! ill be in in a few ,minutes !" she yelled back "I had a very nice time"

"me to" I grinned.

"y/n! I need help with dinner!" her dad yelled again.

"give me a sec!..... I should go in" she said in a soft tone

"me too, have a good night" as I started walking away, I call out her name before she could shut the door

"wait y/n!" she stepped out of the door again as I ran up to her. I pull out a wrinkled pice of paper and write my grandpas house phone number on it.

"call me" I grinned as I held up the pice of paper with two fingers

"will do" she smiled as she took the piece of paper


y/n pov

"goodnight sam" I smile. I shut the door and burst into a fit of girly squeals. I quickly stop and think about what the hell I was just doing.

I walk into the kitchen with a smile on my face.

"How was your day, honey?" My dad ask as he put a box of noodles in a bowl of boiling water.

"It was good, I tried chasing those guys down who keeps stealing comic books from the outside racks" I chuckled and shake my head. I tie my hair up and off of my shoulders with a hair clip.

"Can you make the bread? You make it so good" my dad smiled at me.

"Yeah sure"

"Dinner is ready!" My dad shouted. Only seconds later you could hear running and thumping coming from everywhere in the house.

"I'm sitting there!" My youngest brother says as my twin pushes him away, already seated.

I pull the bread from out of the oven and reach over all the boys to set it on the table

"Oh y/n/n's cookin today?" My older brother says in discussed with a laugh. I push his head and away to the side and roll my eyes, trying not to laugh. I love my brothers dearly but 80% of the time I wanna be able to snap my fingers and make all the noises they make, go away. Poof. Finally I put all the food on the table and sit down.

"River (youngest), that's disgusting"

"Yeah River chew with you mouth closed"

"Can you pass me the bread before these retards eat all of it"

"Don't call your brother a retard"

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