Chapter 22. He likes garlic...

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"Lucy..this looks terrific" max smiled.

I sat right across from max and next to Sam. Lucy had made spaghetti with garlic bread.

"Well I hope it taste good"

"It's wonderfull"

I couldn't help but feel somthing off with max. He seemed to nice. I know that's probably unfair to say, but I just had this gut feeling. Sam seemed to notice Becuase he nudged me with his arm and gave me a grin

"Boy! Someone has bad breath!"

The four of us (Sam, edger, Alan and I), immediately looked up at Max, he then noticed we were looking at him and looked away.

"Nunook, will you stop breathing on me?" Lucy sweetly asked. Nunook had his paws on the table, right next to Lucy

"Nunook get upstairs, go!" Sam told the dog in an annoyed tone.

He immediately jumped down from the table and made his way upstairs.

Edger motioned to the bowl of garlic that was made to look like cheese. Sam nodded and held the small bowl to max

"You want some parmesan cheese on that?" Sam asked.

I quietly laughed, but covered it with a small cough.

"Yeah, uh Sam. Thank you very much" max sprinkled a lot of it onto his pasta.

"Sam gratted the cheese himself" Lucy smiled "my son"

Sam smiled and shrugged before putting his attention back on max who took a big bite

We all looked at him as he stated caughing

"Oh my gosh! Max! Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah it's not cheese! It's garlic" max muttered

"I bet you hate garlic don't ya!" Sam yelled

"No I like garlic, it's just a little much" Max laughed

Alan and edger rolled there eyes in defeat.

"Garlic? How did that happen?" Lucy furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as he put the bowl away

"Guys he likes garlic" I whispered the them

"Here! Quick drink some water!" Sam took a cup of water and splashed it onto maxs lap...

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