Chapter 33. Death by stereo

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Sam crawled over to where the lamp was and turned it on, shinning it around the house

He shined it up at the ceiling and then suddenly the vampire jumped down and grabbed me by my neck and lifted me off the ground. High off the ground

"Let her go!" Sam yelled

He squeeze my neck tighter, making it harder for me to breathe. The vampire just laughed. Sam pulled out the water gun and started spraying the vampire with it. It had let go of me, and I fell to the ground. Breathing heavily I laid on my back.

"Oh my god" Sam ran over to me. The vampire covered his face with his hands as steam came off of him.

Sam ran away and came back with a bow and arrow pulling the arrow back and aiming at the vampire when it launched at him. He let go of the arrow and the vampire fell to the ground

"Did you get him?" I asked, My voice raspy.

Sam slowly walked forwards it. His breath shaky.

"Ha you missed sucka" the vampire stood up and laughed

"Only once pal" Sam once again pulled the arrow and shot him in the chest making the vampire jump back and into the stereo. It started playing loud music as sparks flew everywhere. Sam laid down next to me and covered our faces to protect us from the light and fire.

"Death by stereo" Sam grinned

"Sam!" Mike yelled as he ran towards us "let's go!"

The three of us ran up the stairs but stopped when the sound of water sprayed everywhere in the kitchen. However it wasn't water. It was blood.

"Let's go!"

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