Chapter 12. "I like you too"

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"Okay" both Sam and I laughed. The sun was starting to set and we were still on the roof.

"Would you rather-stay in this bubble of a town to rest of you life... or move back to phenix with no memory of anything like the town, Alan and edger, the comic book shop & the boardwalk"

The was a money of silence when Sam sat up, towering over me in such a seductive way it made me nerves.

"I would rather stay here, in the bubble" he answer just above a whisper

"Why?" Asked as I took a hit from the joint and blow the smoke out and into Sams face.

Sam slowly Leaned in and connected our lips. My arms locked around his body and I started leaning back, my back hurting the roof floor.

His hands runs up and down my thigh and the other one to my waste. His tough then grazes my bottom lip as if he was asking for consent into my mouth. My lips separate and he adventures into my mouth, still, our lips and tongue fighting for dominance.

Remembering I still had the joint in my hands, I threw to the ceiling floor and stomp on it, still keeping my focus on Sam.

"I like you" I heard Sam mutter into my lips.

"I like you to" I respond. Sams lips leave mine and connect to the side of my face. Kissing down my neck and jaw line.

I felt a tingling of pleasure when I felt Sam slightly sucking on my jaw line, most definitely leaving a hickey to form.

I've gotten hickeys from a couple of guys but it didn't compare to Sam.

Sam just had this sort of hunger that most guys don't.

My hands run from Sams neck down his chest and stomach where is waistline was

You have to get to work

Hey stupid stop screwing around and get ready for work!


"Shit!" I yell. Making Sam stop and sit up.

"I'm sorry Sam I need to go! I need to get ready for work" I say sitting up and fixing my shirt.

"Want me to walk you?" He asked as we both starting making our way down. He help me as my feet finally touched the ground.

"No thank you, I still have to take and shower and get changed"

"Okay I'll see you later" he smiled as he started walking away.

"Not if I see you first" I awkwardly say. I then mock him by giving him finger guns as I walked backwards into the porch, never leaving his eyes. He laughed and gave them back to me and finally Turned around and out of sight.

Damn sorry If this is kinda shitty lmao. I'm not good @ making these types of chapters.

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