Chapter 14. Around my waist and shoulders<3

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"Oh shit" Sam sighed, closing his eyes. He than grabs my hand and pulls me downstairs.

"Sam! Are you alright?!" Lucy (Sams mom), asked as she ran up to us out of breath

Sam holds my hand tightly as he thinks of an excuse

"Oh you had me scared to death"

"We're okay mom, I was reading a horror comic to y/n a- and I thought I saw someone out my window but I guess I just got carried away" Sam ranted.

I looked down at our hands that were intertwined and noticed sam rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand. I stare at it before getting pulled out of my gaze by Lucy

"You got carried away by a comic book?" She asked in disbelief

"I-it's was a very scary comic, Ma. I'm sorry"

She rolled her eyes and out her hands on her hips " you know I've just about had it with the both of you. You know that?" Sam nodded his head and looked down, avoiding his moms eyes.

"What is this mess" Lucy's attention went to spilled milk on the kitchen floor, and the refrigerator door open. The three of us walked over to the spilled milk but sam and I stoped at the table.

"You spilled milk and didn't even bother to pick it up?"

"I didn't spill it, Mom"

"I can't believe you people, the refrigerator door is wide open. You know it's not fair, I would like the have a personal life to. Where is micheal"

Sam and I looked at each other in panic before speaking up

"H-he" Sam stutter

"He-went to bed early mrs. Emerson" I finished.

"Oh call me Lucy y/n" Lucy smiled at me.

"Okay, well me and y/n are going upstairs"

I sat on Sams bed, my back against the wall.
A gust of wind blew threw the window making my arms tighten around me. I looked over at Sam who was by the head of the bed his back too against the wall.

It was fucking cold

He seemed to notice my discomfort Becuase he held his arms open, signaling me to come closer to him. I crawl across the bed and sit next to him, his arms going around my shoulders and waist.

I have to admit, I was nerves.

Shit just got fucking real babi

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