chapter 2. "Yea well i have 4 brothers"

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"Ur late" edger said as I entered the comic book store.

"But now I am here" I say setting my stuff down behind the front desk.

Edger set a a box of comic books onto the front desk, that I had to price label.

"Hey can you close tonight?" Edger said

"Yea sure" I say pulling out the stamp gun thingy and a couple of comics.

As I am putting price labels on the comics, I glance up seeing a familiar blonde boy walk in. I see him talking to edger and Alan before making his way closer to me.

"Hey!" I say trying to get his attention. He looks over at me and his face lights up

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He ask as he leaned on the desk

"I work here" I laugh. His face turned a bright pink. It was kinda cute.

A group of punk ass guys quickly grabed my attention. Their girlfriends hanging onto them like cats. They are hanging around the enternece when they all snatch a comic and run. This happend more then I could say. It's became like a routine.

"Hey!" I yell as I jump off my seat and run after them. As I pushed threw crowds of people trying to catch them, they jumped into their moter bikes and drove off. Leaving a cloud of sand behind them.

"Assholes!" I yell at them as I watched them speed away and out of sight

I give them the middle finger before making my way back to the front desk were Sam was waiting patiently

"What are you doing later tonight?" He asked as he played with a ring on his thumb.

"Nothing much" I shrug as i ran my fingers threw my hair. I do not get paid enough for this shit.

"Would you...well- do you want to mabye do something later?"

"I would love to" I smile at him.

"Great" he started walking backwards to the exit "what time are you off?"

"I'm off in about 43 minutes" I say checking the clock on the wall

"Great see ya" he said as he walked into a rack of comics which made some fall. He quickly picked them up and gave me one last smile before leaving the store.

I smile to myself as I continue pricing the comic books, quietly humming to myself.

I walked around the comic store having nothing to do. Edger and Alan left and I still had 10 minutes before I had to close up. I picked up a book and started skimming threw the pages when a voice startled me.


"Shit!" I screamed. I instinctively push the person away by their chest making them bump into a rack of comics.

"Jesus!" Sam chuckled as he found his balance again.

"Im so sorry" I felt my face heat up in embarrassment.

"Your good" Sam said as he looked me up in down "you are very strong"

"Yea well I have 4 brothers" we both laughed.

"So, what are we doing?" I asked as I stride paste him to the desk where my backpack was.

"I have a couple of ideas" Sam grinned. 

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