Chapter 32: Mysterious Stranger and Even Stranger People

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Rosalie's POV

I ran through the forest with the love of my life, my mate, chsing me. Arms wrap around my waist as he catches me. 

"Found you, Rose." Emmets usually booming voice whispered.

As I smiled and went to reply a loud scream echoed through the forest - a childs scream.

In seconds I was off, running owards he screaming with Emmett by my side. The screaming cut off as quickly as it had started but I had already caugh the scents - on e of a young human boy and the other of something I'd yet to encounter.

As we broke through the treeline I vaguely notd that we had crossed the treaty line but my attention was quickly on the man holding an uncouunscious boy of maybe five years.

"Well, well, well. This is an interesting turn of events." He smirked before gently laying he boy on the ground and taking several steps back.

I hissed as he began to tremble, expoloding into an overgrown feline and running off.

"ROSE! His arm!" Emmett hurriedly grabbed the boy, whose arm was at an unnatural angle.

We began running back home, holding our breathes as we encountered nobody.

Before we even managed to break through the trees surrounding out house our family came outside with the mutts. 

"DAMIEN!" One of the fleabags called, rushing forward to grab the child from my arms. 

On relex I pulled the boy in closer to myself and hissed, half croaching as Emmett did the same in front of me - minus holding the child.

The mutts face darkened and he began to tremble - the same way that thing had in the forests.

"Wait, what thing?" Edward questioned, eyes wide as he came from the house.

"Give me my nephew." The fleabag growled trying to be menancing.

I couldn't help but clutch the fragile boy closer.

"Not until you calm down and stop shaking," Emmett boomed out.

"You leeches shouldn't even have him!" 

"Alright everyone, lets just calm down. Rose give the child to Jacob. Jacob would you mind laying him down upstairs with his sister?" Carlise stepped forward, taking control of the situation.

Nessies mutt nodded and I reluctantly handed the sweet little boy over.

"Alright, why don't you two tell us what happened and how Damien came to be in your hands."

So Emmett told them what had happened - me jumping in only occasionally to add something.

"And then the guy turned into a giant cat!" 

"A lynx." I clarified and watched as the mutts froze. 

"Did you just say ... "

"The guy turned into ... "

"A LYNX?!?" 

A/N: Soooo ... Happy Easter Break everyone (anyone?) Yeah, IDK who actually awake right now because it's 1:20 am my time ... soooo ... yeah. Comment? Vote? Update?

Oh wait that last thing is for me too do, oppsie.

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