Chapter 9: Trip to the Beach and Strange Guys

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  • Dedicated to ALL READERS WHO READ THIS :)

A/N: I sorry for the long wait! This wont be long but its something, right? Anyways dedications go out to Nickey0398, candyfloss65, purplelover1976, wolves22. Plus my quotev followers:Alex and KimmyLupin.

"Thanks for the help Embry," Leah smiled at my brother as he left.

"No problemo, but I gotta go so I'll see you later," Embry croached down next to Damien and Arabella. "Love you kids, I'll see you around though. Raise heck for your mom and Leah." He mock whispered at the end.

Rolling my eyes I hugged him before shoving him out the door, "Okay my eyes hurt from seeing your face so you got to leave."

He stuck up the finger in between his middle and pinky as he walked.

"Do you want help unpacking?" I offered Leah but she shook her head. "Well, okay then I'm gonna take the kids to the beach for a while. We'll be back in and hour or two, call if you need anything. Oh, and your bathroom is fully stocked with towels and everything!" I called over my shoulder as me and the kids headed to the door.


"Mommy, where are we going?" Arabella asked, her eyes widening innocently.

"The beach mommy used to go to when she was your age," I smiled at her in the review mirror. 

After only 5 minutes of driving, we arrived at the familiar First Beach.

As soon as I got them out of the car they were off, racing and laughing down the beach. Jumping over pieces of drift wood and kicking up sand.

I followed at a distance, smiling as I saw them enjoy themselves. Remembering all the times I had done the same things with Sam.

I frowned lightly and shook thoughts of him away. 

A loud squeal snapped me out of it, my head snapping to the kids.

I laughed at the sight of Arabella soaked from a wave that came in to high. She grinned and pulled Damien into the water a bit. 

"Don't go any further than that," I warned. "The waves are really strong and could drag you in."

They both nodded and resumed splashing each other.

We stayed at the beach for a little over an hour when it started to get a little chilly.

"Let's head home!" I called the kids in.

Both of them pouted but reluctantly followed me anyways.

"Mommy can we come back tomorrow?" They asked together double teaming me with puppy dog eyes.

I groaned loudly, "Can't. .... resist.....the cuteness! FIne you win, we can come back tomorrow."

Their cheering got  interrupted by a high pitched scream.

Faster than my mind could register I had both kids loSave & Publishcked in the car.

"Stay in there, if I'm not back or you can't see me in 5 minutes, call Leah on speed dial. Damien, just push 4 like I showed you." I ordered, waited for him to nod, and quickly waked closer to the actual beach. 

My eyes darted every which way, searching for the source of the scream.

Suddenly another one sounded, my eyes flashed to the cliffs where a guy was falling and a group of more guys seemed to be laughing.

"Damn idiots," I muttered to myself. "Give a girl a heart attack, why don't you." I walked back to the car where both kids where waiting.

"What happened mommy?" They asked as soon as they saw me.

"Nothing, sweeties. Everything is fine so lets get you home."

As I drove I found my mind wandering badk to those strange guys on the beach.

Who were they?

Sam's sister, Leah's BFF, and ******'s Imprnt? WOW!Where stories live. Discover now