Chapter 10: Aw shitzu... cat's out of the bag now!

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This goes out to all my readers BUT to my commenters I wanted to say:



 My mind was still caught up on those guys from the beach three days ago. I could have sworn one of them was Embry but I wasn't sure. 

A loud honk snapped me out of my thoughts and i quickly realized the light was green.

'Snap out of it, Embry is a big boy. He does not need you getting suspicious of his friends.' I ordered myself as I pulled into a parking spot at the diner.

"Hey, Lenie! I didn't know you worked today?" A blonde haired, green eyed girl grinned as I got out of the car. 

"I don't, someone called in sick, your shift just ending or just starting?" I questioned.

"Ending, sorry hun tonight its just you, April and Mark." Jen smiled pitifully.

I sighed, bid her goodnight and made my way into the diner. April was the manager and a fellow waitress. Mark was the perverted, sleazy cook. 

"Bye April, I'm taking off now!" Dana called, looking relieved to see me. "Careful, Mark's in an even sleazier mood than usual." She whispered to me on her way out.

For the next two hours, until 9pm which is an hour before the diner closes, I worked. Ignoring Marks comments, dodging his grabby hands, and counting down the minutes until closing time when I could go home to my babies.

I didn't really need the job, we have more than enough money to get by comfortably and still have money for any future grandkids I might have. But I felt it was important for the kids to see me working, to have respect for the working person.

So I took up a part time job at the diner, only a couple hours a week with the exception of nights I'll be filling in for others. 

A small *DING* caught my attention as April greeted two customers. A smilng woman, despite the long jagged scars down her face, and a tall familiar man.

"Please have a seat and your waitress will be with you in a minute." April's voice drifted over, her tone pleasent. 

"Thanks April, Annie's working tonight right?" The woman questioned.

"Oh no, Annie called in sick tonight actually. We have a new girl with us tonight, I'm surprised she didn't tell you Sam." April grinned at my confused brother.

"Who?" Sam questioned, both him and his date curious.

April looked surprise, "Your sister."

A/N: I AM SO SORRY!!! I'VE BEEN REALLY BUSY AND I KNOW I PROMISED TO UPDATE ON THE 1ST BUT I CAN'T CONTROL SOME THINGS. :( SORRY. I am going to try and update at least twice a week from now on tho.

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