Chapter 33: Reunions and Threats

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A/N: SO SORRY! I LOVE YOU ALL! The last update/author note was a joke. A cruel cruel joke, that I did because I was bored and wanted to see what readers would say/do. BUT IT WAS NOT TRUE!

THIS STORY WILL NOT BE DISCONTINUED!!! Dedicated to all who are still reading this story, all the new readers who have voted, commented and followed me. THANK YOU ALL!

ALSO this chapter contains alot of swearing ... at least I think it's alot of swearing.



Lenie's POV

A five hour flight. Five hours of watching a couple around my age getting it on in front of me, a grumpy old lady kicking my seat repeatedly as she "tried to get comfortable," and a stewardess flirting with the guy next to me who refused to switch seats with me and thus resulted in the flirty stewardess shoving her boobs in my face as she talked to the guy.

Basically five hours of pure hell. Thank God it's over, mom and dad should be at the airport waiting for me already.

After fighting my way off the plane, through the luggage claim, and to the front of the airport I found my dad.

"LENIE! It's great to see you sweetheart," Dad exclaimed as he pulled me into a hug.

"Hey, dad. You know, it's great that you were outside waiting in the nice cool breeze instead of inside in the big, sweaty crowd to help me grab my duffle bag. I mean it's not like I'm skinny and relatively short or anything, I had no trouble getting through the crowds." I mumble sarcastically as he shakes with laughter.

"Yup, I knew you'd feel that way kid. And your mom was worried that you'd need help," He pulled back grinning at my scowl.

Sighing, I shoved my duffle bag in his chest and opened the passenger door. "Come on, I need real food."

Groaning, my dad put my duffle bag into back seat and went around to the driver side muttering about controlling women.


"Okay, mom you can let go know." I smiled as my mother continued clinging to me as she'd been doing for the last 3 minutes since I'd walked into the house.

"I'm sorry, I just missed you and the kids so much!" She sniffled pulling back slightly as she lead me to the couch, arm still around me.

The three of us sat around catching up and talking for the next half an hour. I made sure to tell my mom all about Sam's fiance, Emily, and how wonderful she is and how perfect she is for Sam.

Needless to say, she was thrilled that Sam had found "The One," although she was surprised that he wasn't with Leah.

"So have you heard anything from Melina recently?" I ask worriedly as dad sits on the lazy boy seat.

"No, sorry dear. Why don't you rest a bit after that flight before you go out?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm going to make some calls to friends that are still around here. See if anyone can give me an idea as to where she is or where I can find this Austin guy."

"Alright dear, I'll bring up some tea in a while."

I quickly made my way up the stairs to my bedroom - it looked exactly as it did when I left - eager to call Leah and check on my kids.

"Hey, Lenie. You make it home okay?"

"Hey, Lee. Yeah I made it fine, how's everything going? Are they kids okay, are they behaving?"

"Okay, now I need you to promise you won't freak out."

"WHY? WHAT HAPPENED? Oh my god, Leah, are they okay? Crap, I knew I shouldn't have left, I'm coming home screw it." I began rambling, pacing back and forth across the floor from my bed to the door.

"Lenie, calm down okay? Arabelle and Damien were playing on some rocks at the beach. They slipped and -"

"THEY SLIPPED! Oh God, Oh God, are they okay? Were they seriously hurt? Crap, I'm coming home right now! Fuck, why weren't you guys watching them!" I screamed rapidly.

"SELENA ULEY! Calm down, I know you're worried but they'll be okay. Arabelle got a mild concussion from hitting her head and Damien broke his arm. We took them to Dr. Cullen immediately and he assured us that they would be fine in a few weeks." Leah said soothingly, although her voice was laced with guilt.

"A CONCUSSION?!?! And Damien broke his ARM?!?" I started hyperventilating. "WHERE IS SAM? I AM GOING TO KICK THAT ASSHOLE'S ASS!"

After some shuffling around - most likely Leah handing Sam the phone - my brother's nervous voice drifted through my cell. "Lenie?"

"You listen to me, Samuel Uley. If my kids suffer permanent damage - even a scar - from the incident at the beach I will hold you fully responsible. You're the one that pressured me into coming and you're the one who assured my that nothing would go wrong or happen to them. If they get so much as anothe scratch before I get home I am going to nail your testacles to the wall until they bleed out, dry up and fall off. Than I will cram them down your fucking throat with a damn screwdriver and make you swollen them, do I make myself clear?" I hissed out.

"Y-ye -" Sam cleared his throat a bit, "Yeah."

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