Chapter 13: Confrontations

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A/N: Here is another chapter for all of you who continue reading!


The next morning Leah agrees to watch the kids so I can go pay a visit to my brother, Sam.  I had tried to all Embry and warn hiim ahead of time that I was coming but he hadn't answered. 

Hopefully he isn't too mad at me for going to see Sam. I mean the cats kinda our of the bag now anyways, Sam saw me at work.

I wanted to look nice, I am going to be meeting my future sister-in-law after all, but at the same time I wanted to look like me. I left the house wearing boy-meets-girl-fall-2011-outfi and slowly drove down the painfully familiar rodes leading to Sam's house. 

'Ok Lenie, you can do this. It's just Sam, you have nothing to worry about.' The hopeful side of my brain encouraged as I sat, parked down the street. 

'Yeah, nothing but complete rejection from Sam, AGAIN!' The irritating side argued. 

Frowning I shrugged off all thoughts and focused on pulling into the driveway. Hesitantly I lifted a hand to the door, took a deep breath and knocked.

After what seemed like endless minutes the door opened to reveal the beautiful scarred face of Emily Young, the girl Sam was with last night and my soon to be sister-in-law.

She looked quiet startled to see you but masked it with a quick, warm smile. "Hi, I'm Emily. You're Selena, right?"

I nodded my head in a jerky manner that revealed how nervous I was. "Y-yeah. Umm ... I was wondering if Sam was in?"

"Oh yes, come right on in. SAM!" She called as she closed the door behind you.

"What's wrong, who was at the doo-?" Sam's worried voice stopped as soon as he saw me standing in front of the closed door.4

"Hey Sam. It's uh ... good to see ya." I awkwardly shifted from foot to foot.

"What are you ding here?" He growled out.

"Well, I thought after running into eachother yesterday, it was about time I met my soon to be sister-in-law."

"I meant what are you doing in LA PUSH?"

"I always told you I planned to move back, this is my home as much as it is yours."

"I told you to stay away from here, from me! What part of I want nothing to do with you do you not understand?"

I felt my anger rise, "Well sorry but I want to raise my kids in the town I was born in!" I snap without thought.

"Kids?!?!" He yelled, face shocked. "You're still a kid! You can't have kids!"

"Yeah a little to late for that, bud" I rolled my eyes.

Everything was silent and I noticed for the first time that Emily was no loner in the room with us.

"Ho-how old is he? She?" he asked quietly.

"They are four years old. Twins to be exact, a boy and a girl."

Sam and I stood there silently, watching eachother and waiting for someone to say something. 

"How long have you been back?"

"Not too long, I wanted to get settled in a bit before I came to see you." I whisper, uneasy at how fast his moods changed.

"What are their names?"

"Arabelle Meleah Uley and Damien Sambry Uley." I answer proudly.

Sam's eyes widen a little bit, "Y-you named him after me?"  

"Of course, Your my brother. I wanted to give him a unique name that meant something to me. So I combined Sam and Embry to make his middle name."

"Does anyone know you're here?"

"Yea, don't get all mad. I made them promise not to say anything. Embry found out I moved back to town when he wondered out of the woods infront of my house. The next day I had him bring Leah over so we could allcatch up and they could meet the twins."

Sam nodded oncebefore falling silent again.

"So ... where do we go from here, Sam?" 

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