Chapter 37 Topamax

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A/N I just want to say I am not a pharmacist nor a pill expert. I just did a quick google search to find medicine that would have the side effects that would explain Melina's unusual behavior. This one happened to fit, if I get anything wrong I apologize but just ignore it for the sake of my story please. Thank you!

This is short but VERY IMPORTANT!

Also don't do drugs, mkay? Drugs are bad, mkay? (why do I do these little references? THE WORLD MAY NEVER KNOW!) (This was two references, who got them?)


As I drove home, my mind whirled. I had a sample of the pills she is taking but I can't identify what it is. Maybe I could take it to a doctor's office and ask, but they might ask questions. Plus I don't know if it's an illegal substance.

Right as I was about to make the last turn to get home I remembered my friend Jane. I had called her and asked if she had seen Melina. She was going to school to be a pharmacist and her dad owned a pharmacy so she might be able to recognize the pill.

Suddenly reenergized, I made a sharp left and drove off to the small shopping center where Jane worked.

"Hey, Lenie! I haven't seen you in a while," A girl with bright bubblegum pink hair greeted me from behind the counter as soon as I entered.

"Hey Jane. Sorry to come in while you're working but I was wondering if you knew what this pill was?" I placed both pills on the counter for her.

"Hmm." She picked up the pill and looked at it closely before nodding, "Yeah, it's Topamax."


"Yeah, it's often prescribed to help control seizures and help with headaches."

"Jane! Come help me back here!"

"Coming dad! I got to go, you can probably just look the pill up but if you need any more info just call." She smiled and waved goodbye before heading towards the back of the small store.

"Topamax." I mused eyeing the pills before making my way home again.

Once there I found that nobody was back yet, dad was working and mom was watching some kids for her friend. I made my way up to my bedroom and immediately started up my laptop for a quick search.

After finding a reliable site I clicked on side effects, a few of which seemed to jump out at me.

confusioncontinuous, uncontrolled back-and-forth or rolling eye movementsgeneralized slowing of mental or physical activitymemory problemstrouble in concentration or paying attentionmood or mental changes; including aggression, agitation, irritability, apathy and mental depression

Well that sounds like how Melina's been from what I've seen and what others have told me. Now to confront her about it. I printed the pages out and bookmarked it for safe keeping.

"I promise I will help you Mel," I spoke out loud gazing at a ripped picture of us from when we were 13. I sat on one side with Mel on my left and the right side was ripped off.

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