Chapter 42 Unexpected Question

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A/N: DON'T HATE ME! I'm so so so so so so sorry! :( I started college and kind of got side tracked - on top of that I wasn't sure how to go about writing the next chapter. DON'T KILL ME! I'll try to update more but i have to do it on my sisters laptop and she goes to school in the morning, i go in the evening and the only time I'd really be able to do it is ... well around this time. I actually wrote this in my math class because I was hit with inspiration and didn't want to lose what I had. 

On a happy note, I PASSED MY MIDTERMS! I got a 44 out of 50 on my English one and a 89 on my math. GO ME!


Lenie POV

We've been home for a few hours now. Everyone's still here, just hanging out and eating pizza/ Nothing much happened after Mel "unpacked: *COUGH* threw all her stuff on the floor *COUGH*. I was then banished to my room to "relax" in the bath while Mel got to know everyone "without your pinkness all up in my business" and "reconnect with my adorables!" 

Melina Scott, everyone! My, annoying, best friend! I at least got to stay while everyone introduced themselves. Both of my brothers are idiots, by the way.

Sam because, well, he's always an idiot. I think it's genetic. Anyways, when he introduced himself Mel beamed like he was her favorite person - he's obviously not, that position is filled by me duh -  and cheerfully exclaimed "I don't like you!" before moving on to the next person.

When she found out which one was Embry she squealed and hugged him, saying how happy she was to see I have a "good" brother. The idiot just stood there gaping like a fish out of water. It was hilarious when she leaned towards me and softly whispered "Does he have a phobia of vaginas?" In her mind, that means a fear of females. Apparently, all the guys heard and couldn't stop laughing - poor Embry looked so embarrassed!

Anyways, I am now free to join the group since I've taken a shower and a nap. As soon as I sit on the couch, Damien climbs on my lap and I gently begin running my hand through his hair and watch everyone interacting together. 

A smile spreads across my face as I watch my little Belle dance in victory. My baby girl just beat all the boys at Mario Cart! 

Right as I'm about to ask Leah if we had any cookies I hear Damien whisper, "Mama." 

I smile slightly, surprised. He hasn't called me 'Mama' in a long time. "Yes, my love?" I ask, curious. He's always so quiet but right now he almost seems like he doesn't want me to hear him. 

"Can ... can I ask you a question?" He asks shyly, scaring me a bit with how nervous he is acting.

"Of course, " I respond without hesitation; I want my babies to feel comfortable asking me anything and everything.

"Can you tell me about daddy?" My heart stops as everyone seems to freeze. Annabelle's head snaps up causing her driver to slam into Seth's almost immediately although nobody seems to notice. Looking from one eager face to the next, I start feeling my heart hammering and I feel my sick to my stomach. 

But then I see the pleading look on my babies faces and I know I have to give them something. 

I give a small, forced smile. " I guess you can ask a few questions."

Their faces light up as they start asking me questions. "What was his name?" "What did he look like?" "How did you meet?"

Laughing slightly, I hold up a hand to silence them. "Okay, Okay. Let's see. His name was Ethan. He had gorgeous blond curls -" I tug on one of Belle's curls lightly as she smiles - "and amazing silver eyes." Damien beams, " I met him after grandma married grandpa when I was ten. He was two years older than me, so he was twelve. He lived next door to us -"

"With granny Belle, right?" Arabelle asks excited. 

I nod, chuckling lightly. "Yes, his room was right across from mine. We would hold up signs and talk at night. He was my best friend." My chest hurts as my throat closes on itself.

"When did you get together?" Damien presses. 

I take my time before answering, calming myself by pushing his hair back before answering. " I just turned thirteen and he was almost fifteen. By then we had met your Auntie Mel and the three of us hung out every day."

"Whatcha do together?" Belle asks, eyes lighting up as she sat on Seth's lap.

"Ride bikes, go to the movies and the park. The carnival. We played games and did homework. One summer we even went to Australia with my grandparents. But it didn't matter what we did. We always had fun." I smile, trying desperately to hold my heart in place. I  can feel everyone watching me as Arabelle asks her next question. 

"What happened to him?"

My body reacts on its own. I tense, my jaw sets and my eyes begin to mist. Slowly I open my mouth. not knowing how to respond. I don't want to lie but they're too young for the truth.

"Alrighty, enough questions. It's dark and you two -" Mel points at the twins accusingly - "need some sleep." 

Melina scoops Belle up, tickling her tummy and making her giggle. I stand up to follow, Damien clutched in my arms as she tells everyone we'll be back. The twins decide to sleep in Damien's room tonight so we lay them side by side in his bed. 

"I'm sorry, mommy." Damien says softly as I kiss his forehead gently.

"Don't be," I smile. "I know you two want to know about him. And I promise to tell you everything one day. When we're both ready." 

He nods his head, satisfied as he curled up next to his sister and feel asleep. I sat there for I don't know how long running my hand through one of their hair and shifting the blankets around.

"I'll go tell everyone we're gonna call it a night," Melina said softly. She hugged me tightly before smiling and walking to the door. 

I waited a few minutes before kissing both of my babies and leaving the room. I press my back against the door as I stand alone in the hall. I clutch my hand against my mouth, trying to hold in my sounds.

Sobs burst through my lips and I wrap an arm around my stomach, bending forward and crying. I feel arms wrap host me up and before I know it Mel is leading me to my room.

I manage to get a hold of myself long enough to convince her I was fine and she should sleep. Very reluctantly she left, I knew it was only because she knew I need to be alone right now. 

I struggled to hold myself together for a few more minutes before I felt my walls crumble. I laid in bed, thankful that my room was a bit off from the others, and cried myself into an uneasy slumber. 

A/N: Good? Bad? Does anyone even read this still? :( I'm sorry, don't give up on me yet! If it's any consolation to my wattpaders I haven't updated this story on quotev in like a year. I wanted to finish it first. :/

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