Chapter 22: Babysitter

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But she almost sounded like I did back when I was -' BUZZZZ BUZZZZZZ BUZZZ

The doorbell cut of my thoughts and I rushed to answer it, not even noticing tears gathering in my eyes. 

"Paul?" I ask confused to see him. He and I weren't the closest, he wasn't exactly mean or rude to me but he kinda just avoided me. Weird? Yes, very much so.

"What's wrong?" He asked immediatly.

"N-nothing?" I squeaked surprised before clearing my throat, "I was just on the phone with someone before you came."

"Your crying." He pointed out bluntly causing me to flush in embarrasement. 

"Do you need something? Leah isn't here." I quickly try to change the subject letting him in and wiping my eyes with my back to him.

"Just ... wanted to see if you wanted to hang out." He shifted around a bit as I raised an eyebrow.

"Really? Than why do I get the feeling you're here to babysit me?" I demand, arms crossed over my chest.

It was his turn to clear his throat and look away awkawardly.

"Sam, Embry or Leah?" I sigh, slightly smiling.

"Actually it was Quil." He admitted laughing.

Shaking my head I lead him to the kitchen. "Alright then, what do you have in mind."

"Hmm. Well I hear you have a game room?" He grinned, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Oh God no!" I laugh, "If you're going to do the eyebrow thing do it right. That sentence did not call for it at all!"

Paul scoffed, "Oh yeah? And what is the 'right' way than?" 

"I don't know, when you tell a dirty joke or make a dirty reference. It's kinda like something you associate with perverts!" I pout as his laughter echos throughout the kitchen.

"YOU USE IT WHEN?" He chokes out while I roll my eyes.

"When you make a suggestive comment or joke," I stick my tongue out at him. "Anyways  do you want to go play video games or what?"

That snapped him out of it and we take off for the game room.


"NO! NO! NO! NO!" Paul screamed, jumping up and down as I crashed into him and sent him spiraling off the road.

"YES! YES! YES! YES! BOOM! What was that about girls not being able to play Mario Carts?!?" I laugh as the screen flashes PLAYER 1 WINNER.

"What on Earth are you two doing?" 

Paul and I both jump, startled to see Leah, Seth, Quil, Arabelle and Damien standing in the doorway.

"Playing Mario Carts ...?" I trail off unsure.

Arabelle's eyes light up, "I beat I could beat you, Uncle Embwy!" She challenged.

Embry gasped, "OH NO YOU DIDN'T! Quil did she just call me out???" 

Quil laughs, nodding his head. " I believe she did my friend, I believe she did."

"Hey Paul, what are you doing here?" Leah questioned as the other four take over Mario Carts.

"Eh decided to stop by, see whats going on." He lied.

Scoffing I glarred at Quil, "No he came to babysit me for Quin!" 

Quin stiffined up before glarring at Paul, "You weren't supposed to tell her!!!"

Paul shrugged, "That was not specified at all."

Snorting I shook my head, "Honestly, Quin. I expected it from Leah cause she cares, Sam cause he's overprotective and even Embry causes he's just a nosy guy -"


" - like that. But I had more faith in you." I joked 'tsking' him with me finger.

Laughing we play numerous games until nightfall, when I put the kids to bed and the guys get ready to leave.

"Well, its been fun. Now get out." I order, mockingly pointing down the hall to the front door.

"Wow, really? You're such a good host." Paul laughed.

"Almost as good as you are at being a sister," Embry added sarcastically.

"Yup, that's me. Now you don't gots to go home but you can't stay here! Except you Seth." I grin checkily as the others open their mouths to complain that Seth gets to stay, "Seth you do have to go home, your mom will worry and you're underaged still."

Seth pouts as the guys laugh and they make their way out the door.

"So how was the beach?" I ask Leah as we start cleaning up a bit.

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