Chapter 48: Trauma

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A/N: Hey guys, I've had this chapter written for a while now (I try and write in Math shh, don't tell) and just haven't had the chance to type it up. Also, I have half the next chapter done so I might update that soon too. SORRY FOR THE WAIT! LOL (lots of love)

Warning for language!

Start Story:

Melina's POV

"Don't worry," I pull into the drive way as I try to reassure Emily that everything is okay. "I'm sure Lenie just didn't charge her phone or something. Her electricty probably went out like it did at yours last night."

"I'm sure you're right," I smile at the clear care in Emily's voice. "Alright, just make sure she calls us later and tell her not to worry, the kids are fine with me."

We say our goodbyes and I double check I have my things before heading towards the front door. As I unlock it I feel a sudden sense of fear run through me. The top lock was already unlocked.

"Lenie!" I call stepping through the door way. "I'm home!" I wait for a response that doesn't come before walking into the living room. Immediately I notice signs of struglle.

Broken glass on the floor near Lenei's cell phone, a blanket left by the window, and - as I make my way to the kitchen - a gun laying on the floor.

My heart catches in my throat before plummetting down at an alarming rate. "LENIE!" I scream, dropping everything as I began frantically searching rooms. De ja vu hits as my mind replays the last time I felt this scared, this terrified, this helpless.

****Flashback ****

"Lenie, we have to tell someone!" I exclaim, gingerly applying pressure to the long cut on my best friend's forehead. 

She hisses, eyes closed in pain, before she sighs. "Mel, I can't. I - I just ... I know he doesn't like me talking to Sam, I shouldn't have tried to convince Ethan to meet him through skype. He just worries Sam's going to leave again."

I shake my head listening to the blame my friend is placing on herself - much like Beth does when Larry hurts her. "Lenie, it doesn't matter if you kick him in the nuts! He has no right to hit you, let alone slam your head into the counter - "

"I fell!" She denies, "He apolgized afterwards, he didn't mean for me to fall!"

"BUT HE MEANT TO HURT YOU!" I yell angrily. "Lenie!" I plead, tears in my eyes. "I- I can't keep lying to your mom and dad!"

"Than you're not really my friend or his" She jumps up and storms out as I cry, fearing for her safety. There's nothing I can say or do to convince her to tell and that terrifies me. I've never felt so useless, so guilty. So helpless.

**** End Flashback ****

"Embry!" I sob into the reciever as soon as he picks up the phone. "I can't find Lenie!"

"Mel? What do you mean, where are you?" He demands as the background noise stops. 

"The house, I looked in the rooms and she's not there, her phone's here, her car's here, and I don't" I begin to ramble, sobbing. "It looks like there was a fight!"

"We're on our way. Don't do anything," He hangs up and almost immediately I hear a faint thud come from down the hall.

I grab the gun from the floor, hand shaking slightly, voice trembling as I called desperatly, "Selena?"

"Please, let me out." I hear a slight sob come from the closet. "I need to get out, please." 

"Oh my God, Selena!" I race to the door and begin yanking on it. "The guys are on their way, hold on." I plead as I notice the bolts on the side of the door.

"Melina?" She sounds confused, "Meline, please hurry. I - I don't know if he's coming back."

"Who? Who's he, Lenie?" I demand.

"He bolted the door closed," She cries as the guys race into the house. 

"Melina!" Embry calls, panic clear in his voice.

"Over here, down the hall!" I call, "I found Lenie! She's locked in the closet!" Immediately, I hear the thundering of feet as they race towards me.

"Selena?" Sam calls out loudly, face and voice filled with worry. 

"Sam, get me out!" She pleads, voice breaking as Sam begins violently trying to pull the door open. 

"It's bolted," I explain, waiting for Quil to return with the drill from the garage as Embry calls the police from the kitchen.

Within minutes of a distressed Quil handing Sam the drill, the door is opened and Selena is freed. I clutch her tightly to myself, ignoring the blood stainging my clothing as I try to comfort her. She clutches me back just as tightly, sobbing her gratitude over and over. 

Sam and company follow as I lead her to her room, shocked and stunned into silence. But I've seen her in worst condition. Much worst. 

She's pale and covered in swear and blood with bloodshot eyes; her hair is a mess - matted down on one side with what seems to be dried blood - and her hands are bruised and still bleeding from pounding on the door. Her bare feet are no better and I can't help but wonder if she tried to kick the wall down instead of the door. 

"Get the first aid kit from under the bathroom sink, top shelf left cabinet." I order and Jake rushes out. I gently sit her on the edge of the bed, carefully moving her arms off of me so I can kneel in front of her. 

"Lenie, I need you to pay attention okay?" I wait for her to nod, ignoring the guys stepping out to wait for the cops. "Did you hit your head?" She starts to shake her head 'no' but hesitates and slowly nods 'yes' once. I grab the first aid kit from Jake and begin pulling out what I need as I talk.

"Are you dizzy?" She shakes her head 'no,' hissing in pain as I treat her hands and Quil quickly walks up to Sam, whispering in his ear. 

"Does your head hurt? Any pain or discomfort?" She shakes her head 'no' again, watching her brother instead of her hands now as he begins to shake slightly. 

"Seth, Colin, Brady stay here. Don't leave the house," he orders before storming out with everyone else quickly following. Lenie looks after him, tears in her eyes as she watches her brother leave again. She shakes her head.

I purse my lips together before ording the guys out so I can Lenie can calm down. As soon as they leave she lays back, curling into herself tightly with her eyes closed tightly. I lay in front of her, reaching out and grasping her hands in mine as she opens her eyes and relaxes slightly, the sound of police sirens filling the air.

A/N: I know it seems like it took forever for the cops to get there (in my town it does take them forever) but really it was only like 15-20 minutes tops. Remeber, they live on the Reservation and I don't think they had their own police force so the cops are from Forks. 

ALSO PICTURE IS HOW KIND OF HOW THEY'RE LYING DOWN! (you guys seriously have no idea how hard it was to find one).

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