chapter 16: Two IMPRINTS?!?!

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A/N: OKAY so, i am not one of those authors who write the chapters ahead and then type em up. I kinda just write as I go but since I have a general idea where I'm going with this story I wrote out the idea for the next like 13 chapters or something. I am going to try my hardest to finish this story wihin the next month or two, but don't hold me accountable if I don't. Sometimes I get side tracked (quite easily actually) and others I'm swamped with school work and stuff. But I will do my best thanks.

ALSO I don't think I mentioned this before but I am going by the year the books came out, this story is meant to be a year after Breaking dawn so its 2009.  

Sam, Emily and Leah are 24. Jacob Quil and Embry are 19. Seth is 17. Jared and Paul are 21. Collin and Brady are 16. I know i said 15 two chapters ago but yeah.


*??? POV*

I stared in silence at the silver eyes, unable to look away. The earth moved, the ground flipped upside down and gravity disappeared. Every tie that was hold me down was cut one by one.

Mom -SNIP.


Pack brothers -SNIP

Everything was out of balance, floating around aimlessly with no goal, no purpose. Suddenly, it all snapped back into place, everything was right side up again and being held in place by an uncutable, steel cable. 

Suddenly, a voice called my name and my heart stuttered.  I looked up so fast I got whip-lash only to be disappointed that she hadn't meant me, she was trying to guess our names. 

"Okay, you got Jacob, Brady and Colin righ. That's Quil, Jared, Paul and Embry." Sam corrected.

After being reintroduced to everyone we all started talking about the past; when she lived here, when we were all kids, what she's been up to since she moved, her mom and (step)dad, her best friend. How she moved back into town a while ago but didn't say anything because she didn't want Sam to know yet.

And I sat and listened, every voice but her's being unheard. And as I sat and listened it hit me.

I had imprinted.

Shit, Sam and Embry are going to kill me.


Her eyes stared back at me as she smiled, happily talking as we sat in the sand. 

Nothing mattered but her, her eyes and this moment.  Nobody else was really there. Every time she laughes I can't help but beam. She is just perfect. 

I'm not stupid, by now I figured out I've imprinted on her. But I don't have the feelings for her that Sam has for Emily. I just want to see her happy.

Sam and Embry are still going to kill me though, especially because of our age difference. But they'll understand that I can't control it, I can't chose.


Sam's sister, Leah's BFF, and ******'s Imprnt? WOW!Where stories live. Discover now