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Hey my beautifully strange readers! I'm sorry for not updatingin a long long looongg time but I just haven't felt ... inspired? to write this story lately. It's not because of a lack of fans, readers, or ideas it's just sometimes I get in the mood for writing something different, ya know? 

I AM NOT DISCONTINUING THIS STORY! I'm just placing it on a temporary hold while I work on my James Potter's sister story for awhile; I'll be working on typing up the rest of this story on the side and hopefully I can start book two. I won't be updating again for at least another month or two, by then I should have a good amount done and I can do regular updates one at a time while I work on book two for this story. 

I'm so so sooooo sorry for the disappointment, I promise I'll update as soon as I get motivated again. :(

If you'd like a personal notification from me when I do update, please leave a comment saying so below and I'll leave a message on your board!

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