Chapter 35 Meeting the Boyfriend

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A/N: So yeah, this is just for the younger readers. There might be some sexual like references in this chapter cause Austin's gonna be a total bitch. So yeah .... it's not like a sex chapter or anything, just references and mentionings.


She submitted the winning picture above, its actually the pic i was gonna use before I decided to do a contest. so yeah ... also, gabbi darling the thing we mentioned before (your reward) will be coming up soon. It might even be a major part now! Not until she returns to La Push be still gonna be soon. ^.^


Standing before me was a girl with short black hair and grey eyes that had widened at the sight of me.  

"LENIE!" The girl flung herself at me as I stumbled back in shock.

"Me-Melina? Oh my god, what happened to your hair!" I pulled back and lifted a dark lock of her hair causing her to laugh.

"I decided the colors just weren't for me. What are you doing here? Where are the kids, oh I've missed them so much!" She looked around excitedly.

"They're back home, Leah and the guys are watching over them. What do you mean the colors aren't you?" As long as I'd known Mel she'd been colorful, although she didn't dye her hair until right before we entered high school. 

"Hmm? You don't like it?" She pouted as her eyes flittered around behind me. "Why don't you come on in? Austin's out right now, working. But he should be back soon."

"Uh, yeah I'd love to come in. And no, your hair looks good," I struggled to stay calm - had she completely forgotten our last conversation? "It's just ... different. I mean you've always been such a colorful person."

"Yeah, well I was still a kid then. I mean, I have to grow up sometime right? Besides, Austin likes girls with dark hair." She added on, smiling as if she hadn't admitted to changing herself for a guy.

"Is that a tattoo!" I exclaim as the ink marking her wrist caught my attention. She always talked about getting a tattoo but I never thought she'd actually do it.

"Oh, yeah! I got Austin's name on my wrist and he's going to get mine on his chest." She began humming as she moved around the room straightening magazines, moving things slightly and looking at the door ever few seconds as she did.

"Look Mel, I know your really hung up on this guy but don't you think you're moving a bit fast? I mean you've just meet a few months ago and he's already changing you!" I exclaim, standing up and stepping in her way as she tried to mix a stack of magazines for the third time.

Immediately the smile on Melina's face vanished, her eyes took on a steely look and she stood up straighter. "Look, Selena. If you came down here to lecture me than why don't you just go. I'm an adult, I don't need you to stand there and judge me! Austin loves me for me! I'm not changing for him or anyone else!! If you don't like this side of me than you aren't the friend I thought you were!" She shrieked, her hands waving around so wildly I didn't notice one of them raised to hit me until I felt the left side of my face burn.

I gaped, open mouthed at Melina who stood there silently staring at me. We stood there in complete silence. neither of us saying anything out loud but our eyes were practically screaming. Melina's eyes held remorse and regret, she looked panicked and uncertain. I was certain that mine were holding pain, caution, hesitation and questions.

Suddenly the door slammed open and a tall, dark haired guy wearing a leather jacket came in. "Hey, babe I'm home! Whose car is parked out front?" He stopped in the entrance from the kitchen to the living room and looked at me. 

His eyes traveled up and down my frame twice before he smirked and stepped forward to wrap an arm around Melina. He licked his lips, his eyes never leaving mine. "You a natural red head? Or do you dye it, hmm?" 

Melina broke into laughter with him as I stared from her to him, shocked. "I'm Selena, Melina's friend." I decided to ignore their laughter and act as if he had just asked my name.

"Nice to meet you," he stuck his hand out and I - very reluctantly - shook it. "Names Austin. Lina's told me a lot about you. Said the two of you do everything together." His eyes lingered near my chest as he very openly squeezed Melina's breasts.

Much to my surprise Melina giggled and didn't make any attempt to push him off. I glared slightly before turning to Melina. "I'm only gonna be in town for a few more days. Why don't the two of us go catch up? The twins have grown a lot, they're learning to swim and everything."

Melina pouted again as she pushed herself back on Austin and grounded her butt against his crotch. Keeping a neutral face and acting as if I didn't see what was going on was extremely hard. "But Austin just got home. I haven't seen him all day, plus he woke up late so we didn't get to have any fun before he left."

I mentally gagged as Austin grinned, "It's okay baby. I'll be here when you get back, maybe if your friends not to busy she can stay and have a little fun too." He winked at me before pulling Melina's head up for a very disturbing to watch kinda kiss.

"I'll go wait in the car, hurry up so we can be the rush." I muttered before making my way out the door as quickly as I could without showing how disturbed I was.

After only 10 minutes, a pink faced Melina emerged from the house with a doped looking smile on her face. She slowly made her way to my car, climbed in and buckled her seatbelt.

"So where we off to?" She asked, giggling.

I frowned slightly but quickly smiled again, "I thought we could go eat lunch with Beth. I've only seen her once since I came down but she wasn't feeling very well so I didn't stay long." 

Melina snorted slightly but didn't make an objections or voice any disagreement.

'Well this might be harder than I thought. But what the hell did he do to her, she's acting like she's on something.' I thought as I made my way to the hospital Beth was at.

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