chapter 29

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"What the—" Peter placed his hands on his head with his eyes wide. Up on the lamppost, he looked away from the screen displaying photos of his and Luna's faces.

He glanced down at Luna, who was surrounded by the heaps of people who have just heard the news. They screamed, "Did you kill Mysterio?", "Why did you do it?", "What are you planning?"

Luna looked up at Peter worriedly. He jumped down and immediately pulled her close to him, swinging them away.

"Oh, my God. Oh, my God." Peter panicked as he swung them around the city. Everywhere they swung past, people called, "Peter! Luna!"

For a moment, Peter stopped on top of a very tall crane. He pulled out his phone, answering Ned's call. 

"Dude!" Ned screamed on the phone.

 "Dude!" Peter responded.

 "Dude!" Luna shouted, looking down fearfully at the highways and roads very far beneath them.

When Peter realized, he hung up the phone and turned to Luna. 

"Can you fly?" He asked.

 "Uh—Yeah!" Luna replied in a panic. 

"Okay, we're going to my apartment!" He responded, swinging off. Luna followed after him by pushing herself forward with the wind.

They made it in through Peter's window, and Peter immediately began to take off his suit to change into regular clothes. Luna paced the room, mumbling to herself.

"Luna." Peter breathed heavily.

 "Yeah. Yeah." She turned to him, stopping her pacing. He only stared at her, unsure of what to say.

All of a sudden, Happy burst into the room, seeing Peter in his underwear while Luna stood to the side. "I didn't see anything!" He covered his eyes and walked out.

"This is not what it looks like!" Peter shouted stressfully just as May entered the room. The woman quickly turned around, about to close the door, but then opened it once she realized Luna was inside.

"Oh, Hey! Luna! How's it going?" She approached the girl with a smile.

 "I was just here an hour ago...." Luna trailed off. "And...not great." She breathed heavily.

"Oh, no. That's unfortunate." May frowned. Peter furrowed his eyebrows at Happy, then pointed at the man. "Wait, have you been crying?"

"We...broke up." Happy sniffled, peering in through the door. Everyone went silent for a moment.

"Wasn't it a fling?" Luna questioned. Happy let out a slight whimper at the word.

"Spider-Man!" Someone called out from the street. Luna and Peter exchanged worried glances. "Oh! Oh—Uh." Peter turned to May, panicking, but she hadn't noticed. He webbed his blinds and pulled them down.

Luna frantically handed him the first T-shirt she had found laying on his bed, which she recognized as the one Stark gave him after having taken their suits years ago.

"I didn't know you guys broke up! I thought you were in love, May?" Peter quickly put on the shirt. 

"No." May sighed. Peter lead her out of his room into the hallway.

Luna peaked outside his window at a crowd of people beneath, holding up signs for her and Peter. She quickly backed away and followed Peter and May.

She turned to Happy, who was now walking beside her. "Sorry, Bud." She tapped his shoulder. "Suck it up and listen to Taylor Swift. You're a grown man."

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