chapter 33

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Peter brought everyone to Happy's condo. Luna made her way in behind all the others, with Peter being behind her. The boy watched Luna walk in after everyone, but not turn back. He approached May, who greeted him at the door.

"I feel bad about using Happy's place like this." He whispered. 

"He'll get over it." May responded. She looked to Luna for a moment, then to Peter. "Did something happen between you two?" She wondered. Peter sighed. "I don't know."

"So, this is your plan, Peter?" Octavius spoke while the others paced the living room. "No lab, no facilities. Just performing miracles in a condominium, hmm? What, are you gonna cook us some churros or some burritos in a microwave?" Continued the man. Luna struggled to withhold her laughter, taking a seat beside Flint on the couch that was now covered in sand.

"Oh, so you find this amusing?" Octavius turned to Luna. She cleared her throat. "No, sir."

"I could go for a burrito." Osborn commented.

 "He's gonna kill us all." Octavius argued. 

"Well, let's hope not." Peter responded. "You're up first, Doc." He approached the angry man. "Luna." Peter called. She finally looked towards him.

"Could use your help." Peter pursed his lips. Luna stayed put for a moment. "Sure." She stood up and followed him into another room.

"I told you, I don't need fixing. I don't need fixing!" Octavius shouted. "Especially by teenagers and scraps from a bachelor's junk drawer!"

"Oh, no, no. They've got something back there." Electro interjected. "I can feel it. That weird energy." He made his way to the room where Peter and Luna silently set up their materials.

Peter pulled off a blanket from a large machine. 

"What the hell is that?" Osborn questioned. 

"It's a fabricator." Peter stated. 

"It can analyze, design, construct basically anything." Luna explained while Peter turned on the machine, making it expand and light up.

"I thought that was a tanning bed Happy broke." May commented in shock. A light spun around in the machine.

 "Look at that." Electro mumbled. Suddenly, the machine stopped spinning, and a piece of the wall behind it broke. Startled at the sudden noise, Luna reached for Peter's hand.

When the realization set in, she looked down at their hands and let go, placing her hand back by her side. Peter turned to look at her for a moment with a sad expression.

"They're gonna kill us all." Octavius repeated.


"So the chip at the back of Doc's head was designed to protect his brain from the AI system that's controlling these tentacles, but if you look here..." Peter explained to Osborn and Luna while he demonstrated on the machine.

"The chip is fried, so, rather than him being in control of the tentacles, the tentacles are now in control of him." He concluded.

 "Explains why he's so miserable all the time." Luna commented, bending down to type notes into the computer in front of her.

"Hey, does this place happen to have a washroom I can use?" Requested Osborn. 

"Uh--yeah. Down the hall, to your left." Peter directed. 

"Thank you." The man left the room, leaving Peter and Luna alone.

Peter watched as Luna continued to type. He hoped she would say something, but she didn't.

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