Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

"Foolish, fucking morons! What did you think was going t'happen if you went scampering about the packlands by yourself? And then cause a fight no less!"

Mac has been rambling for about several minutes now, careful not to overstep Adrian when he interjects. We all stand in Adrian's office in the packhouse—Kiana, Mateo, Mac, Rachel, and I. After we outran the Sentries from the lake, it was only natural that we would run straight into Mac while he was heading back from patrol.

"And you!" He isn't the kind that jabs his finger in your face. No, Mac is up in my face in an instant, bending down to make sure my eyes are on him, "The head on you, woman, is anot'er t'ing! Haven't you been causing enough trouble? Why is it that whenever there's a brawl or a fight, you're the one in the middle of it!"

"Love, your accent's showing," Kiana tries to make light of the situation, but is quickly cut off by Mac's scowl.

"You have not'ing to say, do you?" He takes a step further in my space. I only stare at him—mouth zipped tight. "Your problem is t'at you're a pup still stumbling about! You have no idea of the repercussions you make on your own self, your friends, your family, or your pack! A worthless Rogue just like that shit Leon!"

"Hey! Quit going at her—" Rachel begins but is cut off swiftly.

"Mind your tongue, you tool. I may not be your Beta, but I'm the Beta of the pack who's providing you some cover!" He turns back to me when Rachel goes back to sullenly staring at her feet, "Your pack should have put you in your place a long time ago, Amelia. They've let you run rampant for far too long."

"Okay, Mac, you've made your point," Adrian runs a hand through his hair tiredly.

"She's been allowed to use the excuse of being raised a human for too long, Alpha. She either catches up now or goes back to the humans. If she hasn't learnt what it means to be a Wolf now, then she never will. I'll help you out with the first lesson, Amelia. When a higher-ranking Wolf gives you an order, you best do what they say."

"Alpha," Mateo steps forward, "From what my men have gathered, it was both parties. Our Wolves started the conflict—"

"Because they don't trust them," Adrian says simply, "Which I've explained to both of you girls."

"Yes, sir," Rachel bows her head, "It's just..."

He studies her, eyes flickering over the uncomfortable face she makes. Glancing at his Wolves, he jerks his head, and they all begin to leave. Mac stares me down for a moment longer before stepping out.

Adrian stands up after the door shut, "Well, I can't say I disagree with what he said. You two were warned."

"Amelia was only trying to protect me," Rachel can't meet his eyes as he sits against his desk and watches her. Instead, she looks at me, "I was trying to find mate."

I'm both surprised and unsurprised. I had figured out pretty quickly that Rachel had little interest in boys, but I hadn't expected her mate to be from Diurnal. It makes sense now. Rachel had been a lot more spaced out since we arrived. I had just pegged it down to homesickness.

"I was on the balcony when I caught her scent," She bows her head, "I didn't mean to cause trouble. I'm really sorry..."

When Adrian says nothing, I look up at him. He's smiling at Rachel like she's an injured bird. Like he understands exactly what she's talking about.

"Don't repeat the same mistake and we'll be fine," His smile drops when he realizes I'm watching him, "You two will be here for a while, so there'll be time for you to find your mate. I'm sure she's sniffed you out too—just waiting for the right moment to show herself."

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