Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

"Am I dead?" I suck in a deep breath. She shakes Her head and I whisper, "Where have you been? I have so many questions about my visisons—about Orion—"

"I have been busy hiding you from my sisters. But it seems as though Selene nearly found you."

The deep voice of the hound barks at me, "But that won't matter if you die."

"Survive, Prophet."

Survive. Survive and get your vengeance. Live a little while longer and become stronger.

"Are the spirits here able to possess me?"

She pauses at this. In the distance, I can hear the Trumpet sound off. Hekate doesn't seem bothered by it, but she also doesn't ignore it. Her head remains tilted towards the direction the sound came from. "Certain ones—perhaps."

"How can I stop it—"

"By cutting off your ties with it. Your connection to her is not the wolf."

The Darkness...that's what tied us together...

"It is not possible. You will need the power I have given you—every last drop—if you wish to destroy an immortal like the Black Wolf."

"Black Wolf? Is that Orion?"

"Parts of him."

These half-answers are beyond frustrating. My mind is drifting away as I feel myself wake up in the world of the living. I look at the Goddess, "I need to...find Asena...and Cecily. I need more answers..."

My head echoes from her laughter. Silly, child. I need not ask permission to explore a world that I'm in charge of protecting. But...a sense of foreboding comes with the permission. A trumpet blares in the distance as if to warn me of the Darkness lurking in this Plane.

Deep down, I know that whatever is lurking in this side of the Plane is someone I'm not prepared to face yet.


I open my eyes and find myself in a hospital bed. The Diurnal Pack's hospital. I recognize the smell and appearance of the place after dropping off multiple Wolves here.

The faint hum and beep of a heart machine reaches my ears. I turn my head to look at it, but freeze halfway when I see Jace. He's asleep beside my bed. So is Rachel.

My chest swells up as I see Jace for the first time in months. For the briefest of moments, my heart forgets about the turmoil between us and the fights. I just revel in the sight of him. I allow the Bond between us to celebrate in our close proximity again.

"They've been here all day." I look away from my mate and at Adrian. He smiles at me like he has finally spotted land after being lost at sea for days—relieved, "I'm glad you're awake, my little wolf."

I open my mouth to speak, but my tongue is dry. Adrian seems to sense this, because he comes over and helps me sit up. I clutch onto him tightly, biting my lip to keep from screaming out in pain. Everything is so tender.

"I feel like I was put through a meat grinder," I say after I take a sip of water. After a glance at Jace, I add, "When did he...?"

"He had just arrived when we heard that a Sentry patrol had come across a bear. We hadn't gotten the full story until we reached Nancy's...He was worried about you."

I smile at him. He really is too kind to everyone. He didn't have to tell me that, but he did because that is just who Adrian is. I admire his undying patience and kindness.

Wolf #2: The Beast Within [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now