Chapter 30

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A/N: Double-update since I am so happy for all the new readers joining us! xD Thank you and welcome!

Chapter 30


"Alpha," Mateo nods as I pass him, "You wanted an update on our guest."

"Aye," I glance at Mac, who is shutting the office door behind himself. Mateo stands firmly while I sit against the edge of my desk, "Is she awake yet?"

"Yes, but Rachel says that she woke up from her vision last night. She's just resting now."

I nod, "Make sure they both get what they need. Mac, relay this all to Mira and Ilya. They'll want to know what state she's in."

Mateo pauses before he leaves. I nod and he speaks hesitantly, "Alpha...what's with this girl?"

"She's a lycan," I shrug and let this practiced lie roll smoothly off my tongue, "Who knows what's going on with them half of the time."

He nods and promptly leaves. I can only hope that that answer satisfies him and the of rest of my Sentries. But it won't for long, and Mac makes sure to remind me of that inconvenient fact ever since I told him the truth of who Amelia is.

"The news of The Order's visit to Breccia is already circulating like wildfire, Adrian," He whistles through his teeth, "You need to tell Diurnal the truth about Amelia before the High Priestess comes up and tells them herself. And then you can deal with the same chaos the Breccian Alphas are dealing with."

I sigh and stand up. This is troublesome—far more trouble than I ever thought it would become. I knew that The Order would want their Prophet, but I didn't expect them to stir a revolt within their followers to attain her. She's far more important to their plans than any of us in the packs realized.

"Blasted lycans—always playing their games, aren't they?" I glance at Mac.

"Aye, well, there was a reason why we hunted them down back in the day—"

"Bad joke, Mackenna," I snap. He zips up and I sigh, "I just can't believe how a group of Wolves who barely make up two percent of the population can create so much trouble."

"They're lycanthrope, Adrian," Mac shrugs, "They're different creatures. They're powerful and they are all aware of that fact—we're all under their thumb because of their connections to the Goddesses."

"Which is why," I meet his gaze, "It's important that you don't sour our relationship with Amelia. She's our ally, Mac, and I can't have you pissing her off—"

"Aye, just as you can't go shattering her little heart when she realizes you aren't making her Luna any time soon," Mac shoots back. I stand up abruptly, but he doesn't back down, "C'mon, Adrian! You didn't think I would notice? I've known you since we were pups! I see the way you two catch glances and have your private conversations like a pair of lovestruck teenagers. As your Beta, I cannot in good conscience let it happen—you need to back off her—"

"You're drawing dangerously closely to pissing me off, Mackenna," I snarl lowly and stalk around my desk. He flinches as I draw closer, but only wrinkles his nose up in defiance.

"She can't be our Luna. She's off the handle—I won't follow her," He announces, "The pack won't follow her. She's a foreigner who barely knows how to be a Wolf, let a lycanthrope. She's unstable and is barely holding it together—we can't have someone like that represent our pack in your absence!"

"Mac," I take a step back and calm myself. His hackles are still raised even though mine lower, as if he's expecting me to pounce him. I shake my head and return to my desk, "You don't have to worry about that. You don't need to tell me that."

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