Chapter 28

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Warning: The following chapter may make your head spin--you are advised to strap down, wear a helmet, and grab a nice, hot cup of tea. Enjoy the ride!

Chapter 28

The crescent hangs low in the sky—a blood red moon. The belt of Orion hung between the points, connecting the ends of the moon to almost look like a full circle.

I am lying in a large bed. He's beside me. Holding me close. It's an odd situation to be in—being in the arms of a monster like him. A murderer. But Zemira's contentment is all I feel as I curl up with my hands pressed against his naked, scarred chest.

I open my eyes and study him. He looks nothing like Adrian, save for the fact that they're both as tall as a skyscraper. He has a soft tan to his skin, a strong jaw and a Roman's nose. His lips are plump and pale pink, and his face is speckled in the makings of a beard.

I lift my hand and stroke the bumps and dents of the mark I have left on his neck. He's bulky and made of muscle but isn't as solid as Adrian or Jace. This muscle is something that has come from years of war and work. Naturally he's just a tall, slender man.

His eyes are open now. They pierce me with their hazel-green warmth. It's jarring. This man who looks at Amelia with so much hatred and rage...looks almost adoringly at Zemira.

"Have I met your expectations?" His smirk amuses me, but I don't show him. The expression on my face varies little from the permanent frown it's set in.

"Yes," I sit up and find my robe, slip it over my naked body, and climb out of bed, "For today, you have."

"Splendid," I can't peel my eyes away from tremble of his elongated body as he stretches himself out. There's a twinkle in his eyes as he meets my gaze, "Leaving so soon, Zemira?"

"I don't have the time to waste on you," I move out of the room and to the washroom. My day needs to start before I make the mistake of going back and feasting on his flesh.

His chuckle follows me as I wash myself down and dress for the day. It makes my lips curl up in an adolescent smile.

Nothing is as addicting as the sound of your mate's laughter.

+ + +

"You're being blunt. Fix your tone fast or I will."

"If you can't handle the sharp blade of my tongue then perhaps I should be the King. You can be my Queen."

He doesn't need to double in size to show his displeasure. The light in the world around us dims as he stands up from his seat at the head of table. Those eyes glow bright yellow—locked onto my blue gaze angrily. Those around us cringe in fear as our wills war one another.

His Darkness and mine clash against one another—shadows swirl along the walls and floor like serpents.

"You're foolish. Brash," I'm not perturbed by his rage. He is nothing compared to me. "You won't win the packs over by savaging their lands."

"Dominance is a language the Wolves understand well," He bares his teeth at me.

"Violence is a child's way of winning. True Alphas can make Wolves bow to their command by simply existing." Just to prove my point, I cast my look over the advisors around us. With one step forward, they all crumple to their knees and before me. Glancing up at Orion, I see that my words are sinking in, "You want them to call your King, but you want to act like a cuckoo stealing a robin's nest. If you want to be their King, show them that you are."

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