Chapter 42

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A/N: Remember to check out my Instagram for sneak peaks into future chapters and stories! I also post fanart from time to time!

@ m.c.artwright

Chapter 42

I'm not a Wolf.

There was a time when Orion hadn't been a Wolf...though I'm not entirely sure what that meant. He very well could have been a human that was able to wield and manipulate Nature like a Healer or Lycan, but had he become a Wolf?

Were Wolves not creations of The Moon?

Around me is the Planes. The sky is crimson and the forest around me smells like charred wood. I take a step forward. Crunch. Bones lie underneath me feet. Pup teeth threaded onto necklaces scatter the ground too.

One of these was found in Steph's room. Her murderer had one of these...and it's all somehow connected to Mira. But then how is it also connected to Orion?

I need answers.


I'm expecting to see Hekate. But it's another entity. This one has skin that moves like molten silver, and eyes that are milky white. Like two full moons stare back at me. Stare into me. Stare through me.


She moves towards me with a cold smile. The charred grass gives way to moonshine as Her bare feet touch the ground, shining up into my eyes like puddles of light. She's tall—at least seven feet tall—and wears a thick robe that flows and folds around Her like a waterfall. Her hair is silvery white like Iphigenia's.

"I have waited to find you, Death," Her voice is so smooth and deep. A symphony to the ears but She leaves me cold. "Time is of the essence—We do not have long. My sister should not have hidden you."

I can't move or speak. My tongue is like lead in my mouth as I gawk at the Goddess. Her presence is too much. She crushes my spirit and will like a child stomps on an ant.

"Where are you?" She asks. When I don't answer, the sky lights up in a cascade of white light. I am blinded, but Her demands boom through my bones, "Where are you?"

Suddenly, black smog collides into the white moonlight. I hear the hisses of snakes. The ground around me shakes violently as Hekate's power interferes with Her sister's. I fall to my knees and cover my face.

She needs to start becoming who she was meant to be.


Fire. The smell of smoke and silver and moon fills my lungs. I shriek and cough.

"Amelia! Wake up!" Steph screams.

I open my eyes and find myself in a bed coated with flames. The windows have been shattered. My clothes are burnt to a crisp, barely hanging to my body as I jump out of the bed. Rachel comes running in with a bucket of water and tosses it on the bed. It only turns to steam.

"You need to stop this!" She turns to me.

"I don't know how," I say in a panic. The flames are engulfing the metal bedframe, stripping it of its white paint.

Wolf #2: The Beast Within [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now