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She has his gaze. Orion's gaze. That same, sickening yellow pierces me as I meet her eyes. But she simply watches me. This woman who stands above me seems so familiar...yet I don't know her at all.

All I know is her name. Kaltain.

She and I look nothing alike, so I know that she isn't a reincarnation of Iphigenia's soul. She is one of Cecily's daughters. She is also one of Orion's.

She extends her hand and they're webbed with black veins, like her skin is rotting or crumbling away like ashes of a burnt log. Flames dance off her fingertips like her nails are candlewicks. I flinch away and she tilts her head.

"You're newer than I thought," Her voice is deep and wispy. Those sharp eyes scrape over me in mild interest. And finally, a twisted, crooked grin takes over her face, "You and I will have much to talk about, Amelia. Much to work on in the coming years."

"Amelia," I whisper, "You know who I am—"

"Of course. I have known about you long before you knew of me. We share more than just blood, Amelia. We share the same kind of power—The Darkness and Shadows of Nyx."

"Nyx? I thought it was the River St—"

"A common misunderstanding—they're so close in names and origin. No, no, no. You and I are made up the Goddess of Night herself. Hekate can only do so much with her own magic to contain the evil that our father has created. A deal had to be brokered—like so many before to amend The Moons' fuck ups." The Darkness inside me...did that refer to this weird, heavy feeling that sits in my stomach like a fire waiting to ignite? "Indeed, the children of Darkness are the ones who truly suffer the consequences of Orion's wrongdoings. But it comes with its...perks."

"Perks? Is that what you call them—"

"I am the first child of Darkness, Amelia. I am the most powerful amongst us all, even though I didn't inherit Hekate's abilities or the title of Death like you did. So I do believe I know what I am talking about—more than an infant like yourself who is too terrified to even light a match by herself."

"I burnt down a whole damn forest!"

"Did it not feel amazing? Don't lie to me—we both know the relief that comes with releasing all that power..." We both pause at the familiar sound of a trumpet horn booming through the Plane of the Dead. She begins to crumble away—bits and pieces of her flesh and bones falling away like flakes in the wind. Her gaze glows brighter as she stares at me, even as her voice fades with the rest of her body. "I can help you feel it again. I can teach you how to truly master the Darkness inside you without fearing the destruction it will leave...But I will need a favor in return..."

"Is that why you've been looking for me? Why you tried to take over my body in Canada?"

"You were looking for my sister. But you don't need Asena," her grin is twisted and frightening, "I am the one who will kill Orion for you."

Before I can think any further, my mind is whipped around like its in a blender. I'm waking up, even though I'm deep in a vision. My body...feels like lead and so does my mind...but I hear her commands...Sashi says...to open my eyes.

Open my eyes.

Open your eyes, Amelia.

I groan and roll over. My arms are bound behind me. A muzzle that stinks of sweat and blood and mildew is strapped over my face. My cheek is pressed against a cold, tile floor. Everything aches and cramps. I feel like I've been run over by a semi.

Wolf #2: The Beast Within [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now