Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

"So you don't know what she looks like?"


"Do you know her name?"


I stop in my tracks and tug on Rachel's sleeve, "Do you know anything about her, Rach?"

She blushes bright pink, "Well...she smells like almonds and baking."

I nearly slap my hand over my face. We've been walking all around the cabins by the lake in hopes of finding Rachel's mate. But after thirty minutes, the only Wolves we found were Addison and Eamonn.

"It's hard to find your mate when you don't know anything about them!" Addison tells me like I don't know this myself, "Your mate could be standing right beside you and you wouldn't know unless your Wolf is completely awakened."

"Well hers is," I scruff up her blond hair, "What I want to know is this other girl's Wolf is. I mean how old are you usually when you first Shift?"

"If you're not Alpha-born then usually somewhere between thirteen and fifteen," Rach won't stop scanning the crowd, "But I know she's older than that. I walked right past her, Amelia. I didn't see her face...I think she was brunette. But she definitely wasn't a kid."

"Are you sure? I mean, Jace initially thought that Steph was his mate. He figured it out after spending some time around her—but you only felt that connection for a split second. It's possible that you locked eyes on the wrong person—"

"I didn't," She insists, "I know that it was her!"

I feel terrible for her. She looks like a little kid who has lost their precious childhood toy, and it frantically retracing their steps to find it. But this isn't working...we need a better plan than coming out here every day to look at random Wolves. Diurnal is too big for it to be effective.

I just hope that she lives in this main settlement and not in one of the distant settlements.

Eamonn tugs my hand, "Amelia—can we finally go get that candy! The Trackers are going to be starting their training soon!"

"Yeah, we can't miss it! And Grigori only takes bribes in form of candy!" Addison clasps her hands together, "Please! I missed the last training because Mom needed me to help out in the clinic!"

I look up at Rach. She nods and smiles at the kids, "Yeah, let's go get that candy. What does Greg like?"

"It's Grigori! He's from Prometheus but he's a big softy. He's one of our best Trackers!"

"Prometheus? Like the pack in Russia?" Rachel has seemed to have forgotten her unidentified person of interest. I join her side and hook our elbows up, "Well, what should we get him?"

"He really likes chocolate bars! And gum wines!"

"Oh! We should get some sherbert. Da loves sherbert—and porter cake! That's so yummy!" Eamonn gives me a big, toothy grin when I rest my hand on his head. He wraps his little fingers around my hand, "I'm so happy you're coming, Amelia! I really wanted to show you the Trackers!"

"What is a Tracker?" I had heard of them when Aiden and Jace talked about patrols, but I was only ever told that they were specialized Sentries.

"They're trained to hunt down Wolves. Mostly Rogues and fugitives—they're like really cool!" Addison gushes.

Rach smirks and pitches in, "It's like our equivalent to the FBI or CIA. You have Sentries which are like guards and peacekeepers. And then the Trackers are more specific to capturing criminals, Rogues, or missing Wolves. And then you have Hunters—which are few and far between, and kinda controversial. They're assassins, to put it simply."

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