Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

I stay hidden in Nancy's clinic after that. I've been too terrified to venture out, in case Mac comes out and finds me. He probably knows exactly where I am, but my fear gets the better of me. Against someone like Mac, I'd be defenseless...

My hand floats up to my neck, even though it doesn't hurt anymore. I can't believe such a peaceful day has turned chaotic so quickly—though I guess it shouldn't surprise me anymore.

My moment of serenity was cut short by reality. Now I'm in the backroom of Nancy's clinic organizing the collected herbs, hiding. After Nancy checked on me briefly, it's been quiet. All the healers are performing their ritual in another location. My thoughts are loud and drown everything else out.

I tie the bundles of geranium together, fingers methodically knotting the twine. I can do it with my eyes closed. I do just that—shut my eyes and let my mind wander to happier places.

It takes me back to Portland. The time that Steph and I had packed some clothes and escaped to the Oregon capital. I had left that photo of us at home...I had left everything in the house I had grown up. Baby photos of me and my sister, my fathers' sailing trophies, my mothers' antiques from Puerto Rico, and all our other cherished belongings.

I have nothing but what the Wolves could grab in plastic bags and what Mallory had given me.

The thought is so tormenting that I sink to my knees and rest my head against the worktable. A lonely, drawn-out sob rattles my body. The walls eat up the sound. I clutch onto the herbs I hold and cry.

My mind wanders back to the map in the meeting room...where Heceta Beach is marked. My home. My mom and dad and Steph—everything I know is there.

Everything new and foreign and terrifying is here. Nothing is familiar—no one is either. Not entirely...I feel so alone.

My life, my past, my future...none of it makes sense. It's all a jumbled mess that has been lit on fire. If I think too much about it, I feel like I can suffocate in the overwhelming reality of it all.

"Mamá," I weep, even though I know she can't hear me. It's comforting to know that she and my Dad have passed on...but I selfishly want to be able to talk to them like I can with Steph. "Me siento solo..."

I feel alone. So Alone. I feel like a gasket that has built up too much pressure, and now is letting it all out. It's relieving but strangling all at once. I kneel there and silently pray to whoever is help me.

Because I feel like I'm losing my mind. One minute, I'm fine...and then next—the next, I could watch the whole world burn.

"I can't do this anymore," I peer up at the oculus carved out in the ceiling of the clinic. The Moon sat there, as if They knew that I need Their strength. I never really thought of the Goddesses as someone I would pray to. But I'm desperate and sad, so it feels like a better idea than any. " me..."

The door connecting the backroom to the clinic creaks, and I hastily return to my feet. I wipe my cheeks and carry on what I'm doing before. After a moment, I look over and see Adrian walking past. Curious, I leave the room and follow him into the clinic.

"Adrian?" My voice stops him.

He turns around and smiles, "Hello, little wolf. I didn't think anyone was here."

I look back at the storage room. He had walked why is he acting like he hadn't seen me? He clearly had seen me on my knees and sobbing to the sky like a madwoman.

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