Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

"You can't go in there—"

I push the meeting room doors with both hands. It's only Mac and Kiana inside, leaning over the center table and setting up a computer. Gracie is behind me with her eyes popping out of here skull.

"Lass? What is it?"

"Where's Adrian?" I look around the room but he's not here. He was though—his scent is fresh here."

"Right behind you."

I turn around. He's not smiling but he's not unfriendly either. But Jace's words haunt me almost as much as the spirits that stalk my every move. Packs like Diurnal and Ameku take advantage of their connections to The Order to gain advantage over everyone else.

Are you using me? I want to believe that he isn't. I've never felt that Adrian has ulterior motives for helping me. But he also hid Orion's attacks on this pack from me. And he neglected to tell me the tension that existed between the Lycans and the Werewolves. He never lied...he just never told me the truth.

His head tilts so innocently when I look away from him. Both Kiana and Mac are unsure as they sense the palpable tension between the two of us. I stalk into the room with a clenched jaw, unsure how to even start.

"I need to talk to you," I bite out and glare at Adrian, "Alone, please."

"Really now?" His arms are crossed and his lips stretch out into a wide smirk, "Funny, 'cause I need to talk to you too."

Kiana and Mac don't linger. They nod quietly in response to whatever Adrian says to them in their heads. I choose to sit down instead of pacing the floor, but I can't stop twiddling my thumbs. I'm agitated—both from my growing anticipation but with my rising temperatures. My Heat is coming on hard and fast, and it's making me irritable.

As if dealing with this information overload and all these secrets, I have to deal with hormones and the shit going on between Jace and I. This is what I get for procrastinating and running away. I should have just gone straight to The Order and saved everyone and myself all this worry.

I rub my head—the headaches haven't stopped ever since the bear attack. My visit with Orion only made them worse, and I suspect that my Heat isn't helping either.

"You look like you're in good use of a nap," I can hear Adrian pouring something in a cup. From the smell of the rich, dark aroma, I can only guess that it's coffee. "I was hesitant when you told me that you were going to call on a vision so soon after your attack. And if I had realized that your Heat was coming on then I would have advised you not to—"

"I know that Eamonn told you," His chipper rambling is only grating my nerves right now. I ignore the coffee he sets beside me and stand up, "You know who I spoke to."

"Aye, I do. And I had figured as much even before you went into the vision. Why else would you have told me?"

"I told you so that you could prepare for an attack if he tried anything—'cause he's done it in the past. But it turns out there was no need! You already fended him off! A number of times from what it sounds like!"

He has no reply initially. He simply sits down in his seat at the table and crosses his leg. I damn near lose it when he sips quietly at his coffee for several minutes.

"He's tried to break into the border nine times since you came here in the summer."

Just like that, I don't know who I'm talking to. I stare at him, and he just stares right back. Those green eyes that have always been so kind and soft now feel so condescending and unguarded. He so readily lied to me, and he doesn't even feel any shame.

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