Chapter 40

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A/N: I'm back! Enjoy today's update! Happy President Day to all those in the States!

Chapter 40


The door clicks shut. I haven't turned away from the window since Amelia walked into my office with that barbaric bite mark on her face. And now, after she and her companions left with Mac and Nancy in tow, I haven't turned towards Mira.

"You don't approve. I don't particularly like getting rough with my Wolves—"

"Don't be coy with me, Mira," I scoff and spare her a brief glance. Even that seems too much for my Wolf. He keeps barrelling against me. He wants to bury his teeth in her face and see how she likes it. "We both know that you enjoy that kind of thing."

"Enjoy? Debatable. But it's effective—even you have to admit," She takes an ignorant step towards me. Her arrogance knows no bounds. She thinks that I won't rip her to shreds, not when we can't afford to have more packs warring with one another. "You should try it—"

"You know exactly why I don't resort to those methods anymore." My Wolves had seen more than their fair share of cruelty and bloodshed. Only in the most extreme situations did I ever resort to violence and teeth to teach a lesson. "And I would caution you to reconsider—as a fellow Alpha who is concerned about your very rocky position in your pack."

"My Wolves won't betray me." Her adamance leaves me amused.

"No? I don't see where your confidence comes from—you have lied to them, hidden the truth from them, and you assault them at the smallest indiscretion. This isn't the medieval times anymore, dear. You can't go around and dominate as you please."

Eventually, every Alpha comes to realize that it is they who bend to the pack. Not the other way around. We are their leaders, but they are the source of our power.

"Lie to them? Ha! And what is it that you've been doing to your own pack, oh mighty Ganymedean Alpha? You've hidden the truth of your little Breccian visitor just as much as I have—so don't lecture me on being open with—"

"I wasn't talking about Amelia, Mira. I'm talking about your cunning attempts to stay in power of your pack over the years. And you'd be wise t'not mention Amelia in front of me for a while."

Her silence is so amusing—she knows that I'm aware of all the crap she and her mate have been up to in the past years. But what has me howling in laughter is her useless attempt to blackmail me.

"Don't you think I know what's going on between you and her? Hell, even if it wasn't so glaringly obvious, your Beta's disdain is more than enough." Her fingers curl around my shoulder like she's supposed to be intimidating. The only thing that keeps me from breaking each of them in half is the thought of keeping peace—but Moon knows that in this moment, my Wolf and I crave war. "I'll remind you like I reminded her...she is mine until she is The Order's. Not yours—she is not yours."

"Mine? Of course not."

Mira is taller than most female Alphas. But she still has to look up to meet my eyes as I stretch out to my full height. The difference between us is stark. While I lean into her, she rocks her weight into the back of her heels. Weak, little thing...

"But I'm afraid you are mistaken. Let me offer you a reminder you are in dire need of," It's my turn to rest my hand on her shoulder. She barely manages to keep her recoil in check. "She is not yours either. She is not The Order's. One day, you silly Wolf, you will see the bigger picture. Then—and only then—will you see that she was never ours to begin with. Rather, we are hers."

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